This fact leads me back to the Muslims who are buying these used car/trucks. The dealers involved in buying such vehicles at the auto auctions around the USA, say you must have a vehicle dealer license to purchase such vehicles at auction and the auction is the main source for such sales. In the Tampa, Florida News it cited one such incident of a Muslim making such a purchse, it stated, "Upon running the used car dealer, Abdalla, for wants and drivers license information from Police Dept communications center, it was revealed that Abdalla Deiab was a know(n) affiliate of a terrorist organization and should be approached with caution." DUH!! Abdalla Deiab was buying used cars, vans, buses and ambulances at Auto Auctions all over the State of Florida, he used at least 4 Social Security Numbers with the last four numbers almost in sequence. * Lilly B* Offline Oh my God. I never even dreamed of such a thing. What a terrible thought. Our government needs to get it's priorities in order.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Long article/rant by a clearly peeved Communist. Worth the read for some of the statistical information.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
China Controlling American Leftist Talking Points
Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP)

While complete physical destruction may be desired, for some hard and deeply buried targets this effect isn't practicable with current weapons and employment techniques. It may be possible, however, to deny or disrupt the mission or function of a facility. Functional defeat is facilitated through better data collection and intelligence preparation against the potential targets. The defeat process includes finding and identifying a facility, characterizing its function and physical layout, determining its vulnerabilities to available weapons, planning an attack, applying force, assessing damage, and, if necessary, suppressing reconstitution efforts and re-striking the facility. New more lethal defeat options for Hard and Deeply Buried Targets (HDBTs) like the Massive Ordnance Penetrator, that can overwhelm target characterization uncertainties, are being developed and demonstrated to provide a 10x increase in weapon lethality and improved penetration capability compared to inventory weapons.Updated: ANTI-TROOPS, ANTI-WINNING, PRO-DEFEAT = PRO-TERRORIST

Any wonder that our enemies within have gained such strength when WE THE PEOPLE are so ignorant that we fail to know those we elect to office well enough to avoid the "should have been foreseen" consequences?
For instance Keith Ellison, (D-MN).
Researching documents going all the way back to the mid-1970s, WorldNetDaily uncovered police reports concerning an attempt to bomb the home of Diane Feinstein. At the time Feinstein was a San Francisco city supervisor.
A terrorist organization known as the 'New World Liberation Front' was wreaking havoc on the west coast, placing pipe bombs under police vehicles and murdering a bank customer with a shotgun.
This same organization placed a pipe bomb under the window of the room of Diane Feinstein's daughter.
Due to a rare overnight freeze, the bomb failed to detonate.
In 1995, Feinstein testified before the Senate that she had been so traumatized by that event that she bought a handgun and intended to use it protect her daughter and her husband, who at the time was dying of cancer.
It is interesting that Senator Feinstein is a fierce opponent to gun rights, receiving the grade of 'F-' from Gun Owners of America.
Yet when she herself felt her life and that of her family threatened, she did not turn solely to the police. She bought, possessed, and carried a firearm, a right guaranteed to ALL Americans under the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
You will notice Feinstein's shocking support of gun rights in this story, a fact that apparently she has forgotten.
Enter Keith Ellison.
When the perpetrators of the crimes committed by the New World Liberation Front were identified and apprehended, it was discovered that the organization is a terrorist group connected with the Symbionese Liberation Army and that the main suspect in the attempt on the life of Feinstein's daughter was none other than one Sara Jane Olson, who went by the name of 'Kathleen Soliah.'
On the run from law enforcement officials for over 20 years, Olson was captured in St. Paul, Minn. in the year 1999. As it turns out Olson had powerful support from a group called 'Weather Underground,' which was formed as a radical group in the 1960s.
The group set up a legal defense fund for Olson, led by one of the group's founders, Bernadine Dohrn.
Now here is the most shocking fact of all. Keith Ellison joined Weather Underground and Bernadine Dohrn in promoting a fundraiser for the legal defense of Sara Jane Olson.
Not only that, but Ellison is on record as stating that the incarceration of Olson was nothing more than people trying to 'settle the score with those fighting for freedom during the 60s and 70s.'
Ellison then demanded that Olson be set free.
Thus, Muslim Keith Ellison is on record supporting the full and free release of a convicted terrorist who attempted to kill Diane Feinstein's daughter, and perhaps her entire family, with a pipe bomb.
The Liberty Sphere repeatedly warned readers about Ellison for quite some time prior to the November 2006 elections.
Those warnings went unheeded, as voters in Ellison's district in Minnesota elected a person of dubious reputation. Ellison has also been known to call for the release of cop-killers.
Yet he sits in the U.S. House of Representatives, in the same Democrat Party as that of Diane Feinstein.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
This video portrays a mixture of the Lunatic Left ATTITUDES and most probably paid agents and agitators of Islamic Jihadist movements, who want the USA to perish. And Islamic 'sharia' Koranic law to control the world.
I wonder how many of the ethnically American or European female supporters of these movements would want to have to wear Burkhas or be lashed for indecent exposure? Second thoughts, all concealing Burkhas might be an improvement for some.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
"DE-NIAL" Is not a River in Egypt but another Islamic Falsehood
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Tens of thousands of orphaned Persian girls in Iran - or abandoned wives or daughters, thrown out of the house to live in the streets, by an irritated husband or father (yes, husbands and fathers can do that with impunity under the Islamic laws of Iran) have no way to earn a living. The prettier ones are shipped by the Mullahs to Persian Gulf states - specially Dubai - where they are forced into the sec trade.
Compared to having to sell themselves for pennies to buy increasingly expensive food inside Iran, the Dubai situation is almost a blessing. If slavery can be termed a blessing. Which it cannot.
The corruption and heartless, unlimited misuse, torture and misery of humans by the Mullahs pervades every aspect of life in Iran. Despite their paid apologists around the world, specially in Canada, Europe and the USA, the "moralistic" Mullahs are the dirtiest, nastiest, most ruthless and hypocritical, government sponsored proponents of aboslute evil that the world has ever seen in modern times.
What does that make the ardent American supporters of Dubai? Self-serving and greedy might be the least opprobation to level at them. As the article relates, this support crosses party lines.
Tourists are flocking to Dubai's luxury hotels. But don't be fooled. Dubai, which is one of the seven princedoms of the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), is anything but tolerant and progressive. To put it bluntly: They don't like Jews. In fact, Dubai, like the rest of the U.A.E., is blatantly anti-Semitic. It bars all Israeli citizens from ever setting foot in the country. People from other nations whose passport have stamps indicating they've even visited Israel must notify Dubai immigration authorities of the stamp before entering. Dubai is also actively involved in the Arab boycott of Israel: It bans all products made in Israel and even ones with parts made in Israel. But the emir of Dubai, Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, understands the value of using prominent Americans to legitimize his country and burnish its image in the American media. That's why former Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton have been the objects of Dubai largesse. Their Dubai friends have given millions to each of their presidential libraries. And Bill Clinton has raked in more than $1 million for speeches he's given in Dubai and the U.A.E. Dubai's PR machine went into high gear after 9/11 - in part to distract attention from the extensive use the terrorists made of the emirate. More than half of the hijackers traveled to the United States via Dubai. The 9/11 Commission noted that $234,500 of the $300,000 wired to the hijackers and plot leaders in America came via Dubai banks. Several months after 9/11, Dubai's newest best friend began his public association with the country. In January 2002, Bill Clinton gave his first Dubai speech (for $300,000). He's been legitimizing the country ever since. Clinton was the rainmaker who introduced the emir to his friend and employer, Ron Berkle, the owner of Yucaipa companies and a major fund-raiser for Bill and Hillary. Last year, Yucaipa and the emir formed a new company, DIGL, for their joint ventures. So Bill Clinton is now an adviser and member of the board of directors of a company that is in partnership with the anti-Israeli government of Dubai. The Clintons won't reveal how much the former president pocketed for setting up this deal, except to report on Hillary's Senate disclosure form: "more than $1,000." A lot more. According to San Francisco Examiner columnist P.J. Corkery, Clinton makes $10 million a year from Yucaipa. Bill isn't alone in legitimizing Dubai. Other Clinton pals - including disgraced former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger, ex-Secretary of State Madeline Albright, and Al and Tipper Gore - have attended highly publicized events there. So have some Republicans - including former Bush Sr. Chief of Staff John Sununu, presidential brother Neal Bush and Rudy Guiliani. Republican ex-Sen. Bob Dole and Democratic ex-Rep. Tom Downey lobby for Dubai; so does The Glover Park Group, home of Hillary Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson and former President Clinton press secretary Joe Lockhart. Major U.S. business leaders populate the many conferences sponsored by Dubai and its industries. All of this helps legitimize Dubai. And no one mentions the problem with Israel. Bill Clinton even created a Dubai Scholars Program at the American University in Dubai under the sponsorship of the William Jefferson Clinton Foundation. Laura Tyson, Clinton's chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, created a similar Dubai study program at the University of London. But not everyone is blind. Last month, the University of Connecticut correctly abandoned plans to open up a campus in Dubai after serious complaints about Dubai's state-imposed discrimination of people based on their national origin and religion and its documented violations of human rights. (For example, Human Rights Watch has said Dubai abuses tens of thousands of migrant workers from India and Pakistan.) The Clinton Foundation certainly wouldn't sponsor a program in America that banned Israeli students. It shouldn't sponsor one in Dubai, either.
Dick Morris and Eileen McGann
Saturday, March 24, 2007APRIL 5TH D-DAY FOR IRAN?
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007