Tuesday, July 18, 2006


REPORTS FROM IRAN STATE: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad has declared he will make an announcement - earliest on Wednesday July 19th, 2006 or in the next few days which: "WILL LET THE MOSLEM WORLD AROUND THE GLOBE KNOW THAT AFTER THE ANNOUNCEMENT THEY WILL NOT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT ISRAEL'S NUCLEAR ARMS OR NUCLEAR CAPABILITY EVER AGAIN" This provides three possible scenarios: 1. Iran is about to nuke Israel. 2. Iran will declare they have nuclear capability with at least four missiles with NUCLEAR warheads (common knowledge in intelligence circles) that can easily reach all of Israel and threaten to use these against Israel if that country does not immediately cease attacks on the Hezbollah and Lebanon. 3. In the event that Israel does not immediately comply, Iran will declare war on Israel and fire nuclear missiles, which would not leave much of a country over which any more fighting is logical. HOPED FOR RESULT: Depending on the extent of damage to Israel and the ability of that country to continue as a nation in a radioactively polluted environment, already weak-kneed Western powers will call for creating non-aggression pacts with nuclear Iran. He has already told a group of Arabs meeting in Tehran around the time the Hezbollah/Hamas attacks began a similar general concept: RIA Novosti reported that just before the attacks by Hamas and Hezbollah on Israel. Ahmadinejad addressed a high-profile Muslim forum held in Tehran saying "the main issue faced by the Islamic world is Israel's existence. The Islamic countries should mobilize their efforts to do away with this issue," and that "all the conditions for eliminating the Zionist regime" are currently in place."


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Um, yeah. Sources are always nice especially when posting BREAKING NEWS.

PresidenToor said...

yeah where do you get your timeframe from...

Anonymous said...

This is BullShit, you may have gotten more hits to your site but you've lost any credibility you had. Why haven't you posted any Updates on something like this....

Anonymous said...

Where did you get this information?
Or, is it just more lies like the rest of your site.