Today - SUNDAY - I translated an article on China sinking claws deep into Iran's oil industry and put it up in English on News Round-Up - then a Farsi & English bilingual version on the Multilingual Posts section.
Yesterday I also posted my first French language set of news in the Multilingual section. Slowly offering a broader presentation. Thanks for visiting and do come back and browse around. Almost always new stuff in the three main sections. Sometimes before the mainstream media even hears about it. Like the arrest of Ahmad Batebi, the student resistance icon in Iran.
SUB-BLOGS to also check out for new items when you visit: As often as not, to my great satisfaction many visitors spend upward of 20 minutes browsing and enjoying, others staying over an hour are quite common: 1. View Archive Details: which lists every article on the Main page that has vanished into the monthly archives. This link takes you to a new page where these are all listed with individual short cuts for each one to simplify browsing. 2. News Round-Ups: Short and longer news updates, commentaries or interesting Heads-Up items. 3. Various Videos: As likely to be humorous as political or of general interest. 4. Interesting Graphics: this section contains my "Rogues Galleries" as well as cartoons. satyric photos or graphics. Also, will have "photo articles" here where photos or graphics will mostly tell the story or make a point with little commenary. HEADS UP: from what I already have on hand to post, some of these might be very disturbing, others informative and still others amusing. 5. Multi-Lingual Posts: Originally intended for bilingual English/Farsi (Persian) articles, I have noticed I receive English/French articles, too. While I speak the languages and a couple of others, I do not have time to use these as a translator but they serve me well to monitor what I post. There will be mistakes and the two translations I posted (kindly done by General Sebahat's wife Pari) were incomplete in one case as the gruesome photos in "Know Thy Enemy" seem to have overwhelmed her. Languages of Visitors
Note: Iran visits.
After Israel/Hezbollah Hostilities Started
Note: Iran Visits STOP

Not really the venue for this question but in keeping with a Persian saying "sparrows are free, so are stones" indicating "costs nothing to take a shot", I have a really good, political sub-plot, action adventure screenplay, based on a true, generally not known, real life, Palestinian plan to drive the Israelis into the sea or into a second Exodus. And three others. Studio level, $30+ million without major name stars. If anyone, for political or purely commercial reasons would like to discuss the project, please provide your Email contact to me via RegimeChangeIran by using the general Email contact shown on the site and putting the word MOVIE as the first word in the subject line.
OR LEAVE ME A COMMENT - PUTTING HOW TO REACH YOU AT THE END OF THIS MESSAGE COMING SOON: a new listing of nearly 100 of Iran's torturers in the prisons and elsewhere
1 comment:
You mean you actually have to work for a living too?
Jeez, that ruined my image of you.
I'm one of those new visitors, and am impressed and awed sometimes (well most of the time) by your writings and such.
I am trying to understand (this week) what the twelvers in Iran really think and if the coming date of August 22nd is a date I should consider one of the following.
Buying an extra tv and watching all the news channnels for "breaking news"
Buying extra food, water, gas, etc for myself.
Buying some new fishing equipment and a new gun and going camping.
Or none of the above.
I have been getting whiffs of disturbing things and would like your take on it.
Papa Ray
West Texas
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