Saturday, October 21, 2006

Shah of Iran - Niavaran Palace - 1978

CLICK ON TITLE TO VIEW VIDEO Note the perfect French of the Monarch. What Iran could have been and what it became. Wake up America! You face the same challenges on a much larger scale. He lost his throne, you are losing your way of life just as certainly.


Papa Ray said...

The French surrendered and joined the Islamists years ago. They are just now understanding that they are going to be devoured by that choice.

The US and others can't take the oil, as that is what the rabid Imans have been saying this is all about. If it turns out true, every Muslim who was on the fence will grab a sword and want to murder all the infidels that are stealing their oil.

Muslims are fed up with being poor and hundreds of years behind the infidels, Allah and Ol' Mo said that it would be the other way around.

But it's not.

So they will continue to live their lives backwards, loving the thought of death and rewards and hating life.

It's all they have.

Papa Ray
West Texas

serendip said...

"He lost his throne, you are losing your way of life just as certainly."

The truest words ever spoken...Thanks.

The thug-in-chief in Iran wants to increase the birth rate in Iran. This is to produce more martyrs and more destitude soldiers to fight for this regime with their blood and sweats.

serendip said...

Regarding your post on Iranian/Americans:

Dear Alan:

As a novice in politics and an Iranian-American who doesn't want to have to live under Sharia again here in the West, to my horror and dismay, I have to admit that the academia in the US/West is infested with these so called ME's experts and pundists. UC Berkely is one of these cesspools who breeds and blindly accepts these mullah-zadehs (bacheh mullah) with scholarships from the IRI. They are more numerous in Canada than in the US.

They've been either bought by the IRI or they are truly jihadist brainwashed by their Islamic upbrining and and have become useful and dangerous tools and potential cells. The number of American/Western born scholars/Academics/journalists who peddle the IRI's agenda is also skyrocketting. I think one the recent recruits by the "Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution" (i.e. Supreme council of manufactured propaganda against Western Democracies" is no other than Ms. Yvonne Ridely whose op-ed was recently published by the moronic WaPo. This woman calls the suicide bombers, Shahids. Another potential recent recruit is Scott Ridder. This other journalist, I think his last name is Vick is another pocketbook sympathizer. The old ones are Gary Sick, Carter et al.and Mr. Royce over at ineffectual/worthless VOA who wastes US taxpayer's money on promoting the IRI agenda instead of US's under our nose and so on.

The IRI spends millions of dollars each year to lobby the US/Western-born or Iranian-born journalists, policy makers, and scholars. They are all disgusting and make my blood boil.

Alan Peters said...
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