Saturday, May 19, 2007


A good look at what Islam preaches and insists must exist and how it approaches freedom and aggression. Any opposition, even passively, to the spread of Islam is considered war against Islam and merits death. Freedom - except under the sharia law of Islam is nonsense and not freedom. Total obedience to Allah is the ONLY acceptable freedom. (Read more in the first article below). Islamic Freedom - click here Although discussing Islam in and around India, the details of what is demanded by Islam for it to be correctly followed as in the following article is mind boggling. Life Style DEMANDED by Islam - click here More information about HAMAS More about HAMAS - click here Details of FBI press releases, rewards for top terrorists and a revue of major files handled since January. FBI Press Releases & Rewards - click here Islamic Jihadists using paintball guns to practise urban attacks on USA streets to eventually emulate Iraqi type terror in USA cities - but with real weapons. Using paintguns they can practise and hone their skills without breaking any laws - whether through the activity or possession of weapons. The latter have, in many cases, been ammassed and hidden (reportedly by/in mosques) for when they get the green light to attack our soft targets. Suicide bombers in our malls and shopping centers, IED explosives along our freeways, dirty bombs of various kinds (not only nuclear radiation but biochemical or Sarin gas types). Urban Terrorists Openly Practising in USA - click here

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