Sunday, May 13, 2007


So you get a good idea of what this is all about. Norwegian Iranian visiting his mother in Iran received 130 lashes for having a drink. Coming to a neighborhood near you if you allow Islamic sharia law and Islam to take hold in Europe and America. The man is in a Norwegian hospital trying to recover from ghastly wounds whose visible scars he is likely to carry all his life - on top of his mental, emotional and spiritual scars.
Photos courtesy Iran Focus-Iran
Why? The question should be answered by just taking a look at your neighborhood mosque or Islamic day school. Which teach the penalties shown in the photos above. Because this country does not “discriminate” in its immigration policy, we now have several million Muslims in this country (the exact number is disputed but we can safely say it is at least 3 million and others suggest it might be as high as 6 million). Take a look at these statistics from a US government open source web site: Demographic Facts> Mosques in the United States: 1,209 American Muslims associated with a mosque: 2 million Increase in number of mosques since 1994: over 25% Proportion of mosques founded since 1980: 62% Average number of Muslims associated with each mosque in the United States: 1,625 U.S. mosque participants who are converts: 30% American Muslims who "strongly agree" that they should participate in American institutions and the political process: 70% U.S. mosques attended by a single ethnic group: 7% U.S. mosques that have some Asian, African-American, and Arab members: nearly 90% Ethnic origins of regular participants in U.S. mosques: South Asian (Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, Afghani) = 33% African-America = 30% Arab = 25% Sub-Saharan African = 3.4% European (Bosnian, Tartar, Kosovar, etc.) = 2.1% White American = 1.6% Southeast Asian (Malaysian, Indonesian, Filipino) = 1.3% Caribbean = 1.2% Turkish = 1.1% Iranian = 0.7% Hispanic/Latino = 0.6% U.S. mosques that feel they strictly follow the Koran and Sunnah: 90% U.S. mosques that feel the Koran should be interpreted with consideration of its purposes and modern circumstances: 71% U.S. mosques that provide some assistance to the needy: nearly 70 % U.S. mosques with a full-time school: over 20% (this figure is very low with the increase in the last two years of mosque related libraries with "madrasseh" (schools) and mosque operated schools outside the location of the mosque itself. Almost without exception these schools preach sedition and terrorism against their host countries as Islam does not recognize nationalities nor geographical borders. Everyone must obey only Allah and no other law or government. The photos show the least of the punishments for disobeying 'god'. Death is the next step and decided by Imams and clerics, who claim to speak for Allah.

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