Wednesday, July 11, 2007

IRANIAN POLICE BRUTALITY - Handcuffed Prisoner Brutalized

!8th Tir anniversary of the bloody Student uprising of several years ago, was pretty quite in Iran this year. One reason was that at least 10 of the leaders of the Student Unity group from around the country were arrested in advance as have been other dissidents to prevent any demonstrations against the Ahmadi Nutjob regime.

In the first video you can see how a handcuffed prisoner is mistreated while being "arrested". Public floggings (whippings) to set an example have been held in the streets in various parts of cities to terrify inhabitants.

The short video links below the one shown here all say the same thing in Persian. If you know who this person is (shown in the videos) please let us know. You can also Email information to for this or other details of regime torturers, suppression forces or anything that can be used to identify and later punish the oppressors of Iranians.

You do not need to speak Farsi to understand what you see. Islamic Iranian suppression of freedoms, ten thousand times worse than under the monarchy, has begun to build up social unrest like a pressure cooker. Under the monarchy the populace was incited by the Soviets, Iranian Tudeh (Communist) party and clerics willing to go along to regain power lost under the Shah to revolt. The current pressure is not artificially induced but savagely suppressed. IRANIAN MOST WANTED CRIMINALS Please click on the URLs below:

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