Sunday, September 30, 2007
Meanwhile, on the subject of another, perhaps in many ways similar "queen of illegal acitivity", also read the article below of the capture of this infamous Mexican woman. One may become the President of the USA (video) and the other become a long term prisoner.
Best for the world would be if both languished in prison, unable to cause the harm they bring with them. Why bring this drugs story into AntiMullah? Because terrorists of many nationalities but specially from Iran have been funding their anti-West activities with running drugs in co-operation with Mexican and Colombian drug cartels. Latin America now has Iranian investment pouring in - some $100 BILLION has been promised to Venezuela and Colombia - while some 500,000 homeless women and children, starve and freeze in the inhospitable and cold streets of Tehran, the capital city of Iran. Hundreds of thousands more suffer in other cities and villages around the country, ignored and even harrassed by a heartless, mindless Islamic government. During the Monarchy, not always perfect by any means, extensive efforts were made to look after orphans, provide meals in schools- as in America, and use secular family law to prevent women being thrown into the street without any means of survival or support - as now happens in Islamic Iran. And why Hitlery? Because Bill Klintoon and his co-president Hitlery - egged on by the Liberal Left loonies - are the tender gardeners of the Jimmy Carter roots of our international and terrorist difficulties and want to drag a resisting USA into a Socialist or even Communist format Administration. Look at Carter's friendships. Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, Castro of Cuba and several of the new South American leaders who are either Socialists or out and out Communists like Chavez. There is usually a "reason to the madness" (Shakespeare paraphrased) of articles here, which while attacking "political Islam" (as opposed to purely private religious beliefs) has the focus of protecting the Western world from sinking back 1,400 years by the attempts to inject sharia (religious) law into the Western justice system. And removing the clerical lunatics in Islamic Iran, whose "secular" President, Ahmadi-Nutjob illustrated so well during his visit to the USA and the drivel he spouted. DRUG ARREST Mexican police have captured the country’s highest profile female drug trafficker - the notoriously nicknamed Queen of the Pacific - along with her Colombian drug boss boyfriend, aka The Tiger. Sandra Avila Beltran was arrested on Friday driving her BMW sports utility vehicle in a wealthy part of Mexico City. Juan Diego Espinosa was picked up in the same area a few hours later. The couple are allegedly important figures in the organisation of shipments of Colombian cocaine to Mexico heading for the US. Both are also wanted on drugs charges in the United States. Beltran is said to be close to Ismael ‘el Mayo’ Zambada, one of the top drug barons within the Sinaloa trafficking organisation that is headed by the legendary Joaquin ‘el Chapo’ Guzman. Her regal nickname comes from her reputed role in developing smuggling roots up the Pacific coast. Espinosa, 39, is allegedly an important figure within the Colombian Norte del Valle cartel. That group’s leader, Diego Montoya, was arrested three weeks ago in an operation hailed as the biggest blow to Colombian drug traffickers since the fall of the infamous Pablo Escobar in 1993. Mexican authorities said the investigations that finally led them to Beltran began five years ago after the seizure of nine tons of Colombian cocaine in a tuna fishing boat off the Pacific port and resort of Manzanillo. ‘This woman has been transporting Colombian cocaine into Mexico since the Nineties. She is part of a family that has been dedicated to drug trafficking for three generations,’ public safety under-secretary Patricio Patiño said. A video released to the local media by the police show the alleged Queen of the Pacific claiming to be a housewife who earns extra money selling clothes and renting houses. Beltran speaks with hesitation throughout, until asked why she is in police custody. ‘Because of an arrest warrant with a view to my extradition,’ she replies quickly with a smile.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

To many, Ahmadi-Nejad's Columbia visit was a sad joke but like reality in humor there was an underlying "sadistic crash" behind it.
1. Islamic Iran reportedly makes substantial donations to this university and Bollinger was faced with the choice of doing the right thing and rejecting Ahmadi-Nejad's presence and risk losing this income - or protecting his cash flow - even from a "sane lunatic" from a terrorist state.
2. Again, reports from inside Iran indicate that a deal was brokered that would ensure the release of one of the Americans imprisoned by the clerics - a Columbia alumni - if Ahmadi-Nejad were permitted to speak at Columbia.
Bollinger accepted both conditions but had a last bite at a man he clearly does not respect in his derogatory opening remarks.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Here on AntiMullah we do not openly promote assassination but not everyone on the Internet is as "reserved" and this killer with a huge ego has more enemies than he has hair on his head.
AntiMullah would shed no tears if Ahmadi -Nejad met with a fatal accident.
Saturday, September 22, 2007

Not believing that when we wake, this reality will likely have come to us in our sleep.
(Re: Comment from Chaya: "How come there aren't any visitors here??? You are an incredible person for doing this!! I just sent your site on to a bunch of friends and others. I also posted it on a Columbia University site which is 'debating' whether inviting Achmajinedad was the right thing to do or not. Do you want to know where it is??"
Alan's Reply: Over 500 visits and 850 page views today, so far (bit above average for a Sunday) including from Iran itself and a big number using Farsi language browsers but disguising their origin.
Visitors from all over the world drop in here but rarely post a comment. Instead they visit the various other pages, like the NEWS VIEWS or Daily Terror News pages, read, enjoy and often learn more about wide ranging geographical posts.
Yes, please send me the Columbia or other sites to and thank you for propagating my efforts. I constantly discover new sites which regularly post my articles.
Some, which specialize in counter terror or intelligence, post my whole Home page every time there is a change.
Be well. And since I am reverting back to this post, I have added two photos at the end. Which is the real Ahmadi-Nejad? Both? Neither?

Comparatively recently, the so-called "police" thugs with absolute immunity from reprimand or punishment for maiming and killing anyone, have had some $520 million spent on equipping and training them to ruthessly put down any anti-regime demonstrations. Or even a simple protest gathering.
The brandished weapon shown in the Islamic regime "police" photo is a variation on a long standing use of tire irons normally used to remove old or punctured auto tyres from wheel rims. These flat and heavy "double use" tools shattered inumerable limbs and heads during the pre-Ahmadi-Nejad administrations. Now with his total focus on control and a newfound liberation of the Bassiji to arrest anyone, they felt free to use a sharpened version of the tire iron, even making a wooden handle for it. Note the blood drain holes to facilitate slicing and extraction from a deep wound. Just like good kitchen knives. And the notch to prevent blood flowing back down to the handle. THEIR TERRORIST THUG BOSS - AHMADI-NEJAD - HIMSELF A COLD-BLOODED KILLER OF DISSIDENTS OVERSEAS - AND U.S .EMBASSY HOSTAGE TAKER (SHOWN BELOW IN A 1979 PHOTO AND A RECENT ONE) ENCOURAGES AND PROTECTS THE BASSIJI "POLICE" . ----------------------1979....................Recent--------
Not a sworn, ruthless proponent to use any means to destroy the West,
Not a rogue nation leader with already purchased/acquired nuclear capability (estimated at some eight to 12 warheads on Shahab missiles),
And - not a second creator of a situation similar to Hitler in the early 20th Century, which if we ignore or deny will cause even more death than Hitler ever could.
A tormentor and destroyer of the human mind, body and spirit as shown in two pictures below. The woman, who survived physically - got out alive - will bear physical and mental and emotional scars for the rest of her life.
Repeated and gang rape as part of punishment of female prisoners during their incarceration is encouraged by Ahmadi-Nejad and his administration to terrify anyone who might wish to oppose him.
Raping the women also puts a deep fear into their menfolk and forces them to hesitate before any opposition action knowing retribution would descend mercilessly n their loved women.
More usual result of torture at the hands of Ahmadi-Nejad's thugs and hopefully relief in death can be seen below.
This (now unrecognizable) young man was picked up as a suspect! And never came out alive. His body shows the extent of the torture. Other photos show how they carved into his flesh to make him give up friends.
Early days in the torture and death shows (below) a still almost recognizable human.
Hey! Columbia University. You want to chat with the man who perpetrates this? Shame on you!
Hey! World leaders. You want this evil apology for a human to confront you with nuclear weapons? Wise up! And rapidly!
Read an analysis triggered by an open letter to President Bush from a Persian. Originally posted in Farsi (Persian) on my Multilingual Page (link in left hand column) but now loosely translated and being posted here in English as early as tomorrow (probably Monday) as the lead article.

Both illustrate the simple nutjob who drew up plans to move 20 million Iranians from villages to a dozen HUGE new cities to save on cost of providing water, electricity, phones and other infra-structure.
As any city planner with half a brain would testify this is a lunatic approach to urban structure - causing enormous problems with sewage disposal, air quality, transportation considerations, job provision for this imported population, etc.
But then he could not care less and simply arrests and tortures anyone who disagrees with him and if they die under the abuse, so much the better. One less opponent or dissident with whom to deal! He does not pay factory workers anyway so why would not providing jobs bother him?
Do nearly 500,000 homeless, parentless, vulnerable children just in Tehran streets alone bother him? Does he spend any fraction of the hundreds of BILLIONS he gives to Syria, Hamas and Hezbollah to provide for them? No.
Or the tens of thousands of abandoned women, also jobless and vulnerable on the same streets? No.
On the contrary he manages to arrest 140,000 women for improper Islamic dress code - in the space of - THREE DAYS! Why care when he can terrify them into submission and silence?
Shame on all those who condone his existence and appease him, as they did the Hitler before him.