Sunday, November 04, 2007


"Calling a terrorist an insurgent, is like calling an illegal alien an "undocumented immigrant" and like calling a drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist."

Reader Comment - Re: your recent article titled “Campaign flyer offends Muslim community” located at: So the Muslims are offended? What else is new? They get offended at everything-except the killing of non-muslims. Why should I care if they get offended? Why don’t they care if Americans get offended by the actions of Muslims? They expect everybody to bend over backwards to not offend them. It’s about time the muslims in America learn that the Constitution never guarantees a person will not be offended. I for one am sick and tired of the continual whining, carping, and complaining that muslims do every time their “delicate sensibilities” get offended. If they can’t take life in the US, they can leave (or go back) to a country that practices Sharia law. Why don’t you report on how non-muslims are offended by Muslims? I’m offended by the special treatment that muslims get in this country. Why don’t you report on how I’m offended? Why are muslims the only group that can’t be reported on honestly? Or would that disrupt your “narrative” of how the US is always in the wrong, and that non-US societies are always right? Or is this the Psalm on which you rely and you proselytize? HILLARY PSALM

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