Thursday, February 14, 2008


This is a first hand comment about the Pentagon's Edelman who was formerly U.S. Ambassador to Turkey and is taking the Islamic side in the controversy of firing an expert on Islam by Deputy Defense Secretary , Dhimmi Gordon england at the urging of his favorite Islamic aide. Gives us great insight: (name redacted) "When I was assigned to Turkey, I nearly became dhimized, in the beginning. For me, it started with weekend tours to see the architectural splendor of several of the mosques in Istanbul. [They are truly splendid, and in all of the world - Islamic architecture is undoubtedly some of the finest. This is the only contribution Islam has made to the world in general, and the Taj Mahal.] An American diplomat, I was feted by some Turks, and invited to a mosque near my apartment where I was very well treated, and the imam, in fluent English, indoctrinated me on the splendor and wonders of Islam. It was really good. I've had Russians (KGB and NKVD) and others try to get to me, and to compromise me. None were ever as smooth as these Turks. I studied Turkish, and made friends with Turks at Istanbul University, and was intellectually stimulated. I met often with them and practiced my Turkish with them. There were regular and very ugly anti-American demonstrations outside of the American consulate too, and I saw another side of the Turks. I got caught up in a very ugly anti-American demonstration once. And, I was holding several TOP SECRET diplomatic pouches at the time, full of CIA materials...... My Turkish driver, my Turkish clothes, and my following his instructions saved my life. The CIA chief was in an accident, and got beaten badly by Turks. When his wife stepped out of their car to assist him, she was held and then kicked in the crotch several times. So severely that she suffered a broken pelvis. Another colleague was in an accident. Rear-ended. At a stop sign. He was found to be at fault!!!!!!! ........, a kafir, and a black American at that............ Four Turks attacked me on a darkened dead end road one evening. They had knives and were either planning to geld me or behead me, I'm not sure. I grew up in a blue collar neighborhood in (city redacted), in the industrial/mill and foundries part of town, two blocks from railroad switchyards. Those streets were tough. They made Gary, Indiana look sweet. Among other things, I boxed in the golden gloves and went to the national championships where Cassius Clay kicked my ass. I'm here. They're not. I had a length of logging chain with a heavy lock attached....... It took three days before my adrenalin to wind down. If one doesn't bow down in dhimmitude, while in Turkey, one is in real danger. Edleman was/is a quavering coward who bowed to the Turks, and is still on his dhimmi knees.

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