Tuesday, February 12, 2008


CLICK ON TITLE TO VIEW MEMRI VIDEO - FARSI WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES. John McCain is used as the President of the USA in this encouragement video to phone "113" and snitch on family, friends or anyone else. WOULDN'T IT BE FUN IF PEOPLE WITH ENOUGH PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT MEMBERS OF THE ISLAMIC ELITE AND TORTURERS CALLED IN FAKE STORIES ABOUT THEM OR THEIR FAMILIES? CAUTION, ALL PHONES IN IRAN ARE MONITORED SO LOCALS WOULD HAVE TO BE CAREFUL. But like bomb threats and scares, organized efforts coordinated to use similar information and cast doubts on some of the elite families, could prove confusing or pehaps devastating if done well at a time when loyalties are no longer too stable. Paramilitary but excellently equipped Revolutionary Guards, who play the prime military role after the regime has more or less disarmed the formal armed forces, have come under scrutiny as their rank and file loyalties have come under suspicion as the economy and the mismanagement of Ahmadi-Nejad (aka the Turd) have created dissatisfaction. The Bassiji "Suppression" force commander, has very unusually been put in command over both operations. SADLY our CYA, except for some brave, on site operatives, is too busy playing corporate desk jockey to do much in the way of even simple psyops. Our Pentagon is infiltrated with Islamic influentials at the highest levels, so nothing much covert could go down. And the Senate and Congress at the Federal and State levels have their share of Islamic spies and obstruction to any anti-Mullah operations. Despite Iran's claims that these are in progress against the Islamic regime. buying four bomb-sniffing guard dogs for the President and violently suppressing people through executions seem to be the extent of their reaction. Oh! Sorry. Promoting the 113 phone number. However, to reverse myself - in fairness - if I were one of the desk jockeys, I would point to the current action by MOIS to "prove" they were being very active inside Iran. I wish this were true, And understand they cannot announce what they are doing. Not even when they leak to the Press to hurt Bush. What a mess.

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