Monday, February 25, 2008


Did something go wrong with nuclear research or longer range missile development in this Azari city? The explosion rocked the city and feelers have been put out to discover what happened since Iran's press has not published anything beyond confirming an explosion they could not hide, nor deny. FOR BACKGROUND: Early February report in German Press: Mahmud Ahmadinedschad, president of Iran and the most dangerous man in the world, who wants to annihilate Israel, will soon have Berlin within reach of his rockets! According to the analysis of the BND [a German intelligence agency], Iran has bought 18 unassembled mobile rockets of type BM-25 (range 2500km and then had the rockets remodelled, based on the Russian submarine rocket SS-N-6, to obtain a 3500 km range. This is exactly the distance Teheran-Berlin. Until recently it was only known that Iran posessed Shehab-3 rockets, with a range of 1300 km. The BND has issued a wide-ranging warning based on this new threat: “Germany and other parts of Europe could in the medium to long term be directly affected by the Iranian rocket program.” According to a recent and secret BND report, in the possession of BILD [the publisher of this article]: “With the future longer ranges and the nuclear capability probably under development, Iran could reach all of Israel as well as parts of central Europe.” The Iranian regime searches to obtain a “first-strike capability”. This would “change” the threat picture for NATO andGermany. The BND has information that Iranian experts currently work hard at placing nuclear devices in rocket warheads. [Near Täbriz, 600 kilometers northwest of Teheran, the German intelligence [or clearing, enlightenment] located a stationary starting system (there is probably a fix term for that) for the test of silo-supported rockets (distance from Berlin approximately 2900 kilometers). In plain language: From there, the “Madman of Teheran” could reach targets all over Germany!] Also the US is entering the sights [of Iran]. According to the BND, a delivery of aluminum rings from China has been discovered. These building parts “have as their main use the construction of a multi-stage rocket body with a range of potentially up to 10000 km.” Bush warned yesterday: “Iran is a real threat”. He confirmed: Together with North Korea and pre-war Iraq, the Teheran regime is part of the “axis of evil.”

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