Sunday, May 04, 2008


Last ditch efforts to prevent a total falling apart of regional stability appear to be, at times, almost panic stricken as increasing evidence of Iran's meddling here, there and everywhere becomes more apparent. It has always been there but has begun to surface more clearly as Iran feels MORE DESPERATE and stronger and better able to force the issues.

Iraq, a focal point, not the sole one, keeps many awake at night and begets increasing anger in Coalition Forces, specially American generals as we lose soldiers to Islamic Iran Qods Forces practically overt activity and operations in Iraq.

Setting aside the global level activities of finding more incentives for Iran to stop nuclear weapons grade refinement of uranium, which meets with great skepticism from Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, whose State Department once again labels Islamic Iran as the greatest promoter of terrorism in its annual report, evidence appearing that Iran is possibly only months away from nuclear weaponry puts a different slant on everything.

The fact that Switzerland and Italy have cut private side gas and oil deals with Islamic Iran in contravention of United Nation sanctions, that China might feel obliged to send in forces to protect 300 Billion oil/gas contracts with Iran, that Russia is being offered a revival of two long dead bilateral agreements by long, long gone regimes at both ends, which would allow them to send in their armies into Iran if foreign troops were to invade, all bode ill for the region.

The fact that Al Qaeda in Iraq and renegade, Iraqi Shiite leader Moqtada Al-Sadr, under house arrest in the Iranian holy city of Ghom, issue an almost verbatim statement within one week of each other points to a confluence - not in Iraq - but in Iran, where many senior Al Qaeda leaders shelter and operate under the generous kindness of the Mullahs.

The often displayed threat Mullah missiles and military capacity pose for oil producing neighbors across the Persian Gulf and Saudi Arabian oil fields have pushed some of them to tacitly "co-operate" with Islamic Iran, changing the natural balance of power in the region - based on fear of a crazy, suicidal Iran with Hojatieh inspired leaders like Ahmadi-Nejad in place.

Still within Iraq, we run into competing splinters of power such as the factions within Al-Sadr's Mahdi Army, many of whom have acquiesced to his cease-fire - while others have definitely not and have drawn the ire of the Iraqi government onto themselves. And triggered the house arrest of Al-Sadr in Ghom, in case Iran needs to give him up as a negotiating pawn.

Clouding this picture further are intransigent Ba'athist SHI'ITE supporters of Saddam Hussein, who received tons of money while he was in power and alive and now have their own agenda - which does not favor Iran nor Al-Sadr.

Futhermore they have woven themselves into American society in fairly significant numbers as doctors, professors and other professions and careers, with ample funds they received in the past.

Infiltrators have many shapes and forms not just those who wiggle into the apparently naive FBI or CIA or government agencies, who fail miserably in background checks. And willingly fall prey to the Abbas Fakhravars and Akbar Ganjis, the Islamic regime in Iran sends our way with nefarious intent.

Continuing with Iraq, a high level Iraqi delegation, with Iranian Qods Force bodyguards from inside Iraq are visiting Ghom to meet with Al-Sadr and the Iranian Mullahs. They carry with them irrefutable proof of Iranian meddling in Iraqi affairs and samples of Iranian made weapons and EFPs (Explosively Formed Penetrators) being smuggled into Iraq and being used by the Mahdi Army - despite Al-Sadr's cease fire order - to kill Americans and Iraqi citizens.

Internal strife within the ruling clerics in Iran muddy events as they jockey for position and power. Recent parliamentary elections, which President Ahmadi-Nejad had hoped would stack his supporters in place and ensure his relection as President went very badly for him.

Hardliners supported by Supreme Ruler Ali Khamenei and a new anti Ahmadi-Nejad faction of Larijani and Ghalibaf, found themselves an absolute power block in an "election" where the 65% turnout was put to the lie by 13,000 leaked Interior Ministry documents as having in reality only been 35% of eligible voters nationwide.

Where statistics like the 800,000 votes for hardliner Hadad Adel were in fact only 300,000 and half a million votes were gratuitously tagged on to cover a miserable showing.

Where Khamenei has begun grooming his son-in-law to take over the post of President in the next so-called "elections", which - as has been seen in the Islamic democracy - are in fact "appointments" to positions by those in power. Specially as they can invalidate any candidate they do not like or who might, just might, win something.

Notably, some 90 sitting Majliss (parliament) deputies were banned from running for their own seats this time around as they did not always vote the way Khamenei wanted them to.

Thus, internal "sectarian" strife inside Iraq, internal "sectarian" strife inside Islamic Iran and rapidly destabilizing regimes in Eqypt, Syria, Lebanon and Palestininian areas, create an invitation to chaos and perhaps impending doom.

The Israeli Mossad is meeting with MI6 to provide details of Iran's nuclear capability being ready in perhaps a matter of months. Other intelligence and security agencies have begun to exchange information and military strategies to deal with this whole mess.

AND how to contain the consequences within the USA and Europe after any attack on Iran. Remember the Mullahs are in charge of a homicide nation as opposed to simply individual suicide bombers who will attack our malls.

In Paris, Iranian opposition groups under the umbrella of Reza Pahlavi, the late Shah's son, have met with French authorities to try to establish a potential administration to take control after the fall of the Mullahs. Sadly some 50 participants at the event are also riddled with their own selfish "sectarian" divisions and differences rather than flexibility to help run the country.

All in all, Islamic Iran and the Mullahs who run it, whether the Hojatieh 12th Imam suiciders or the various others like Najafabadi, who has declared against the import of toys, specially Western dolls like Barbi and others as corrupting the Islamic fervor of the populace, need to be removed once and for all for the world to try to heal and re-establish a modicum of sanity that Islam has recently sickened in us like a brain cancer.

Slowly, methodically sharia creeps into a free society like ours.

Place a frog into boiling water and it will immediately jump out.

Place a frog into cold water and it will swim peacefully while the heat is added to the boiling point - dead frog.

Isn't this exactly how the evil aspects of Islam enter and take control of our lives as our Dhimmis deny and support this yet another form of infiltration, by a sworn enemy?


Right Truth said...

Very interesting. So you believe that Moqtada Al-Sadr id under house arrest in the Iranian holy city of Ghom? I thought the US had him under wraps somewhere. Or perhaps his United Nations handler, speech writer, mentor, arranged for his stay in Iran? I know they are in constant contact, because I get emails from him (the handler, not Sadr, heh).

He is being guided by the Art of War (SUN), ambiguity in word, clarity in action. However, I believe this has only delayed the inevitable -- taking Sadr out one way or the other. Either by arrest, death, or minimalizing his power/authority.

As to Iran and what would happen after an attack on their facilities either by US and/or Israel ... Let's hope it goes better than Iraq did for the first 4 years. I believe there is hope for Iraq now, but had the planning been better perhaps things would have gone better/quicker.

On Iran, whoever is doing the planning, please plan well for the aftermath.

Nice article Alan

Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth

Alan Peters said...

Yes, Debbie, Sources from inside Iran and indirectly from Iraqi sources have confirmed and reconfirmed he is in Qom and under house arrest - as previously mentioned here.

Originally Iran officially had him "in a coma in a hosptial" because they planned ti kill him off. He got a reprieve and was called to Qom for a meeting and then kept at a residence till they decide what they plan to do with him. He is an expendable pawn

Right Truth said...

Expendable Pawn -- I would say the sooner the better, however he might be seen as a martyr by some of his followers, and also he has kept at least a portion of them under wraps for the past 6+ months.

Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth