Thursday, June 05, 2008


UPDATE: READ THE INTERESTING NEW COMMENT / ADD-ON BY EVIL-ISLAM TO THIS ARTICLE. HOWEVER, HIS OPINION OF DR. FOULADVAND IS NOT SHARED BY ANTIMULLAH, WHICH HAS LOTS OF CONFLICTING INFORMATION ABOUT DR. FOULADVAND AND NEITHER CONDEMNS NOR AGREES WITH HIM. "Evil-Islam" occasionaly posts a comment on Anti Mullah, some of which are worth a special focus, as we are doing here. He prefaces references his reply to the way Islam took over Iran despite the Shah's warnings and now is colonizing the EU: WAKE UP AMERICA - THIS CULTURAL 'TAINT' HAS ALREADY PERMEATED THE USA. ACT BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE AND OUR DHIMMIS GOVERN US ACCORDING TO ORDERS FROM MOSLEM IMAMS IN OUR MOSQUES. JUST AS KHOMEINI TOOK OVER IRAN VIA THE NETWORK OF MOSQUES. evilislam said... This is what The SHAH of IRAN was trying to make The Stupid West understand :
The Execution of Britain
From the desk of Fjordman on Thu, 2008-06-05 12:14 I will defend all Western and indeed infidel countries against Islamic Jihad, but I admit I feel especially close to Britain, not just because of the long cultural and historic ties between Scandinavia and the British Isles, but also because I appreciate the good that has come out of British culture. It makes me all the more sad to see how humiliated this great nation is today, and how many natives feel forced to leave what once was their country. England: In May 2008, 18 year-old Ben Smith was stopped in a routine check. The police officer noticed an English flag on the parcel shelf and ordered him to remove it because it was "racist towards immigrants." One of the first things foreign powers usually do when they invade a country is to ban its national symbols. The fact that you can no longer run your flag in parts of Britain – and the Netherlands, Sweden, France, etc. – shows that the country is de facto under occupation, not just by Muslims, but by Multiculturalists and Globalists of all kinds. In an essay entitled "Put away the flags", Howard Zinn, the Leftist author of the best-selling book A People's History of the United States, writes that "On this July 4, we would do well to renounce nationalism and all its symbols: its flags, its pledges of allegiance, its anthems, its insistence in song that God must single out America to be blessed. Is not nationalism – that devotion to a flag, an anthem, a boundary so fierce it engenders mass murder – one of the great evils of our time, along with racism, along with religious hatred?" He concludes that "We need to assert our allegiance to the human race, and not to any one nation. "The problem is, rights can only be protected by sovereign states upholding their territorial integrity. How is "the global community" or "the human race" going to protect Mr. Zinn's liberties? For a free society to function, the state has to pass laws in the best interest of its citizenry and enforce these within its territory. Otherwise, self-government is impossible. In order to defend this territory from outside aggression, people need to identify with it as something more than just a random space on a map. By removing sovereign states, you remove the very foundations of a free society. Maybe some groups actually desire this? The British Foreign Minister Milliband stated late in 2007 that the European Union should expand to include Muslim nations in North Africa and the Middle East. The French President Sarkozy and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel confirmed this early in 2008. Since the EU involves the free movement of people across borders, European leaders are thus opening the floodgates to tens of millions of Muslims at a time when native Europeans already feel like aliens in their own cities. It's the greatest betrayal in the history of Western civilization and it has been planned for many years, as those who have read Bat Ye'or's writings about Eurabia will know. I believe native Europeans should seriously consider creating a European Indigenous People's Movement to protect our interests. Our authorities currently reward those who use violence and punish those who don't. Native Europeans are ignored if we protest peacefully against mass immigration or the expanding pan-European superstate. Muslims get concessions while we are treated with increasing hostility from those who are supposed to be our leaders. Muslims in Jordan, a country that takes part in the Barcelona process of "Euro-Mediterranean cooperation" and thus a likely future EU member, recently sued the Danish cartoonists who drew Muhammad for "blasphemy" against Islam, a "crime" that potentially carries the death penalty according to sharia law. Not too many years into the future, we could face a situation where citizens of, say, Denmark could be arrested by their own authorities and handed over to be tried for "crimes against Islam" in one of the Arab "partner countries" of the EU. If this sounds unthinkable to you, look at the case of the Dutch cartoonist who was recently arrested by a dozen police officers for the crime of publishing cartoons insulting immigrants. PM Tony Blair expressed "profound relief" over the end of a hostage crisis in 2007 where British soldiers had been kidnapped by the Islamic Republic of Iran, telling the mullahs that "we bear you no ill will." Blair will be remembered as one of the worst leaders in history. Even Chamberlain didn't flood his country with enemies and present this as something positive. Mass immigration has been going on for decades but showed a spectacular increase under Blair's and Brown's Labour regime. The spike was so powerful that it is tempting to speculate whether the authorities had deliberately set out to dismantle their own nation. According to newspaper columnist Leo McKinstry, the English are being turned into second-class citizens in their own country: "England is in the middle of a profoundly disturbing social experiment. For the first time in a mature democracy, a Government is waging a campaign of aggressive discrimination against its indigenous population. "Similar things are happening all over the Western world, not just in England or Britain, but Britain is definitely one of the worst countries, yes. I've been debating with people which country is most likely to get the first Eurabian civil war triggered by mass immigration. There are several possible candidates, but my money is on Britain, because the anger among ordinary citizens is only rivaled by the brutal political repression tactics.In a survey published in April 2008, one in three medical doctors in Britain said that elderly patients should not be given free treatment if it were unlikely to do them good for long. At the same time, Muslim men with multiple wives have been given the go-ahead to claim extra welfare benefits. The "welfare state" now means that the natives should watch grandma die because she's getting old anyway and we need the money to pay Muslims with multiple wives and numerous children so that they can feel comfortable while colonizing the country. Also in April 2008, David T, a stunned dad and his little boy, were banned from swimming at a popular public sports center in east London because this was a "Muslim men-only swimming" session. Several Christian priests have been physically attacked by Muslims in east London, leading one bishop to worry about "no-go-zones" for Christian in some parts of the country. In early June, a Muslim police community support officer ordered Christian preachers to stop handing out gospel leaflets in a predominantly Muslim area of Birmingham. They were threatened with arrest for committing a "hate crime" and were told they risked being beaten up if they returned. In March 2008, two Islamic terrorists were moved to different prisons after complaining that their fellow inmates were "too white." Dhiren Barot had masterminded a radioactive bomb plot involving limousines packed with nails and explosives and Omar Khyam plotted to blow up the Bluewater shopping centre in Kent. How do native Brits react to this? Well, some get angry, as they should. Bryan Cork, 49, was jailed for six months for "racist slurs" after he had shouted insults at Muslim worshippers outside a Cumbria mosque, including "proud to be British" and "go back to where you came from." This was after the London Jihadist bombings in 2005. Judge Paul Batty told him that racism in any form would not be tolerated. I hear much talk about "national suicide" these days, but Mr. Cork apparently had no desire to commit national suicide, he was held down by his own authorities for refusing to accept the organized destruction of his nation. What we are dealing with here isn't suicide; it's an execution of an entire nation, perhaps an entire civilization, the greatest civilization ever created by man. Even children face this kind of ideological intimidation. Codie Stott, a teenage British schoolgirl, was forced to spend hours in a police cell after she was reported by her teachers for "racism." She had objected, in the mildest possible terms, to being placed during class with a group of South Asian immigrants who talked among themselves in a language she didn't understand. For this, she was dragged to the local police station and had her fingerprints and photograph taken. 18-year-old Jamie who has Down's syndrome and the mental age of a five-year-old was charged with "racism" after an argument with an immigrant. Meanwhile, the UK is being brought to its knees in an epidemic of violent crime and white native girls get raped by immigrants in spectacular numbers, just like all over Western Europe. Why do people still take this lying down? I wonder about that sometimes. Maybe they feel that their votes don't matter and have resigned into a state of quiet apathy. Since many are dependent upon government support and being branded a "bigot" could cause you to lose your livelihood, people still have too much to lose by openly opposing these policies. Such subtle blackmail can be quite effective in suppressing dissent. This could, however, change rapidly in the event of a serious economic downturn. Another crucial element is confusion. People are deliberately kept in the dark by the media and the authorities regarding the full scale of what they are facing. Combined with Muslim violence and intimidation of critics, we have a climate of fear and confusion. People who are scared and confused can be easily controlled. I've recently been re-reading the books of American evolutionary biologist Jared Diamond, especially Guns, Germs, and Steel. He has some points, but his most important flaw is his complete failure to explain how the Greater Middle East went from being a global center of civilization, which it was in ancient times, to being a global center of anti-civilization. This was not caused by smallpox or because zebras are more difficult to domesticate than water buffaloes. It was caused by Islam. Diamond, with his emphasis on historical materialism, fails to explain the rise of the West and especially why English, not Arabic, Chinese or Mayan, became the global lingua franca. What's so special about those rainy and foggy islands? As Australian author Keith Windschuttle told a New Zealand audience, "The concepts of free enquiry and free expression and the right to criticise entrenched beliefs are things we take so much for granted they are almost part of the air we breathe. We need to recognise them as distinctly Western phenomena." He warns that the survival of this great achievement now depends entirely "on whether we have the intelligence to understand their true value and the will to face down their enemies. "No other civilization on earth ever created an equivalent of the European university system. One of the most important reasons why Europe surpassed China during the early modern age is more political freedom and free speech. The reason why English became the dominant language is because Britain and its offspring enjoyed great political liberty even by Western standards, and a corresponding economic dynamism. Probably no empire in world history has been more benevolent than the British Empire, yet a report from February 2008 recommended that patriotism should be avoided in school lessons because British history is "morally ambiguous." I suppose Islamic history isn't, with almost 1400 years of brutal Jihad warfare on several continents? I'm sure the British are being told that the ongoing mass immigration is a result of their "colonial history." I live in a country with no colonial history, yet we are still subject to mass immigration. We are also being told that we should allow Pakistani or Nigerian flags to celebrate our Constitution Day because this will be "good for integration." This has nothing to do with colonialism. So what does it have to do with? Well, I'm starting to wonder whether it has something to do with the Western love affair with free speech and political liberty. Those who desire a world where society is regulated and everybody does what the authorities tell them to do fear this Western preference for political self-determination. If we look at the West during the past thousand years, we have generally enjoyed an unusually high degree of freedom and power sharing. This has been the case more in some periods and countries than in others, but in the big scheme of things this remains true. However, although this arrangement has been good for our civilization as a whole, some of our elites apparently are jealous of the more authoritarian system in other cultures. They want to turn the West into a "normal," meaning more corrupt and less free, civilization, aided by the forces of globalization. We are witnessing rising nepotism, and perhaps those at the top desire this.The political elites no longer believe in stupid things such as borders, cultures and national sovereignty. Islam upsets their world-view, so they ignore it and move on with their project of globalization, anyway. The most hardcore Leftists actively side with Islam because its hatred of the West and its concept of a global umma coincide with their own globalist outlook. Yes, I know that Socrates stated "I am not an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the world," but I don't think he meant it quite as literally as Western elites do now. Socrates didn't have an entire village of Muslims transplanted to his street during the space of a single generation, and he didn't have his daughters or female relatives raped by Muslims in his own country. Our traditional freedoms were the result of a specific culture, developed over centuries of hard struggles. Maybe other cultures have to go through similar struggles of their own to achieve this, and some will perhaps never be able to do so. We should protect our freedoms at home before we try to export them, and we should protect them by preserving the European-derived culture which created them. Our enemies, internal and external, want to destroy the Western world because we represent liberty, and they want to destroy Britain in particular because it gave birth to the most powerful pro-liberty culture within the Western tradition. I hope the British can regain their strength and throw off their traitor class, but they need to do so soon. We cannot allow the greatest nation in human history to be destroyed by the planet's most barbaric cultures. The British people, like their Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish and Danish counterparts, have every right to desire self-determination and self-preservation, and limit or even completely halt immigration as they see fit to ensure this. Those who say otherwise are evil, and need to be exposed as such. The Western world is under attack by a global Islamic Jihad. To support continued mass immigration of Muslims in this situation should be regarded as high treason, and punished as such.


evilislam said...

Thanks for not mentioning anything about Fouladvand and his capture by the Tazi Terrorist regime but perhaps one day you would realize what he tried to do for humanity.

evilislam said...

Another Stupid Western country that never listened to Shah of Iran,this time HOLLAND:

FRIDAY, JUNE 06, 2008
The Islamization of the Netherlands
by Dymphna

The current political structures in Europe can only be sustained if the flow of information is restricted. Since most media are either state-owned or in thrall to the same politically correct ideology shared by the elites who run the national governments and the EU, restriction is not difficult.

In fact, it is this convergence which ensures not only an iconic BBC-style uniformity of message, but also locks out any credible competing ideas.

Direct repression is another weapon in the elitist arsenal. Thus, when Channel 4 and Charlie Hebdo veered from accepted practices, they were hauled into court. The fact that both outlets escaped legal punishment does not reduce the significance of the treatment doled out to them. Being taken to court is definitely a deterrent to free speech; defending against such egregious practices is very expensive.

There is a third form of ideological control being practiced in the Netherlands now: removing any state protection from dissenters who are under threat by violent opponents:

Ayaan Hirsi Ali faced this problem;
Geert Wilders has been left to swing in the wind;
Ehsan Jami has been threatened with it;
and now it’s Rita Verdonk’s turn.

Ms. Verdonk, like Wilders, is a staunch critic of both immigration and the rapid Islamization of the Netherlands. She must therefore be brought to heel:

The National Anti-terrorism Coordinator (NCTb) has decided to withdraw personal protection from MP Rita Verdonk. She is baffled, she said on TV programme Knevel&Van de Brink.

According to Verdonk, Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin informed her by letter last Tuesday that her bodyguards would be withdrawn on 4 June. She is only still being ‘escorted.’ This means that instead of permanent bodyguards, she will only have a car behind her following at a distance.

Verdonk is the leader and founder of Proud of the Netherlands (TON). The party, currently running second in the polls, was set up in April. Verdonk is critical of Islam.

Verdonk has decided to halt a tour through the country with immediate effect. This is due to the “incomprehensible and irresponsible” decision of NCTb, she said. “I feel powerless.”

‘Iron Rita’ also complained she was left in the dark about the reasons for the NCTB’s decision. She said she asked Premier Jan Peter Balkenende for the underlying documents based on which the NCTb determined that the threat level against her had declined. “But I am not getting these documents.”

Verdonk says she is in danger. Recently, she was ‘welcomed’ on a visit to Friesland by far-left activists carrying banners with texts like ‘clear Rita away.’ And in her street, three Muslims were recently arrested who were taking photos of her house, she told Knevel&Van de Brink.
- - - - - - - - -
The NCTb confirmed that the guarding of Verdonk “has changed.” A spokeswoman: “There is a new mix of measures, geared to the current threat level.” NCTB chief Tjibbe Joustra himself added on Radio 1: “Fear is a subjective emotion”.


Verdonk, when she was still Integration Minister, came to be closely guarded because there was a realistic threat of an attempt being made on her life. As MP as well, the threat remained of such a nature that bodyguards were considered necessary. But NCTb sees no need for bodyguards any more, despite the recent political murders of Islam critics Pim Fortuyn (2002) and Theo van Gogh (2004).

Verdonk said yesterday in De Telegraaf newspaper: “Muslim radicals and leftwing extremists know one thing: If I come to power, then I will tackle them.” (…) “I do not feel safe.” (…) “You do not have to google for long to come across very ugly things about me!”

The notable thing about attempted state control of public opinion is how ineffective it is. Despite the uniformity of message found in the media, despite the silencing of public dissent, despite the climate of fear that keeps people from open discussion of the issue, the Dutch people are remarkably politically incorrect in their opinions:

Two-Thirds of the Dutch Want Big Mosques Barred

Two-thirds of the Dutch want to ban construction of large mosques. Sixty-five percent of respondents ‘agree’ or ‘agree completely’ with this, according to a survey commissioned by TV programme Netwerk and Nederlands Dagblad newspaper.

Bureau Intomart GfK surveyed 1,386 people about Islam. Among the Dutch, 59 percent believe this religion will in 40 years time determine the complexion of the Netherlands at least as much as Christianity does now. A similar percentage terms the growth of the number of Muslims in the Netherlands threatening to Dutch culture (57 percent) and to religious freedoms (53 percent). Additionally, 61 percent do not believe that radical movements within Islam in the Netherlands will disappear by themselves.

The concern about Islam is also widespread among supporters of parties that are known as Muslim-friendly. Among Labour (PvdA) voters, for example, 56 percent support a halt to building of large mosques - while around 80 percent of the Muslims in the Netherlands voted PvdA in the last elections.

Among supporters of other parties, backing for such a measure is comparable or even greater. Only the backing among supporters of the leftwing Greens (GroenLinks) at 30 percent and centre-left D66 (39 percent) shows a majority against halting big mosque-building.

This is yet more evidence that the current official policy is to lean harder and harder on the lid of this boiling cauldron. But one thing is certain: eventually the strength of the government’s hand will fail, and scalding water will explode across the Low Countries.

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