These offices were to promote him exclusively, Obama, not the party or the election in general. And he designed his own Brand Name Emblem
He used ACORN as his special, personal promotion and voter organizer establishments.
Now he wants to combine both of these and open up his Obama Party offices in every Congressional and Senate district to achieve total control of the two Houses and rule by decree and if need be remove the 22nd Amendment and have no term limits on his presidential control aspirations.
After having dismantled and weakened the Military, including reducing their budgets and transfering both these and heavy duty arms to his planned Million Person Civilian Internal Security Forces, he would then be able to suppress dissent by force. Just as Khomeini did in Iran with his Bassiji recruits and Revolutionary Guards.
And so did Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini. And Islamist Terrorists like HAMAS (See articles below)

He is the American Khomeini. And will just as surely destroy us as Khomeini did Iran. Less bloodshed - for now - but just as lethally in the long run. In this he has the full support of the kind of idiots who funded him on the Internet and the illegal donations from our enemies he refuses to disclose, including from Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran (and a bunch of terrorist affiliated islamic organizations). Similarly to Khomeini, his new, young following are idealistic without the experience to temper emotion with knowledge of the world, the same way as an 18-year old makes the best soldier but the worst driver. Notions of immortality and infalibility guide them. Add political naivete and an increasingly low education standard in the USA and you have the Obama follower, who will stupidly empower him and then whine when they suffer the results. Too late by then to save the nation and and themselves.
Upon your heads be it - UNLESS THE SUPREME COURT WAKES UP AND HONORS THE CONSTITUTION - so that a foreigner does not become (and stay) the next president tomorrow.
1 comment:
I fear you are right too, Alan. Today I fly my flag upside down at half staff.
God bless America!
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