Monday, December 28, 2009


interesting, there is now a 2nd announcement by the “NIRU” -

Second Announcement National Armed Resistance Forces Command (NIRU)

Announcement No. 2 of National Armed Resistance Forces Command (NIRU)

December 28th, 2009

In the name of God the Almighty,

With salutations to the honest & brave Iranians, we inform:

1. All Stages, rules & aims of Operation Azadi are limited to those in NIRU Announcement dated 26.12.2009, and need no further explanations or interpretations.

2. The timing for operation to start at your station is up to your local command staff & dependent on conditions & in full consideration of all risks involved.

3. Our referenced announcement (of 26.12.2009) is addressed to Iranian Soldiers of the Armed and security forces only.

4. Remaining loyal Government forces are not in a position to combat any Military Combat Group especially if covered by armored units.

5. We recommend to our brothers of Basij & Security Forces who are willing to surrender and/or join the people to display the victory sign and shout “Azadi” to identify themselves & join them.

6. NIRU is an apolitical, and self motivated command consisting of soldiers from all armed & security forces (of Iran). NIRU is not an independent organization but merely the name of the coordination command of anti Government servicemen among the Iranian Armed & Security Forces. NIRU does not intend to take control or supervise the Government, and will dissolve without naming its members upon completion of the Operation Azadi.

7. Operation Azadi is in full compliance with military & constitutional law in cases of foreign & unlawfully forced Government, and the duty of all current & former soldiers, who are loyal to their oath to protect Nation and homeland.

8. We remind our allied fighters that the responsibility for safety of surrendered & arrested opposing forces as well as collection of all arms & ammunition to avoid distribution among citizens lays with them. (OH! OH! Pro-regime and anti invasion type of talk. They are expecting foreign troops to enter Iran?)

9. Our request from our civilian friends is to distribute & report our announcements.

May you be victorious!
Original Farsi :

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