Wednesday, December 16, 2009


1. Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle has just signed a bill into law that forces schools to teach the glories of organized labor and collective bargaining. Doyle has received significant campaign contributions from labor unions over the years prior to forcing their special interest agenda into the classroom.

Ever since unions have been involved in teaching, our system has spiraled into laughable mediocrity. It is what happens when you abandon actual education to turn children into racially-sensitive little environmentalists.

Teachers' unions even tried to have the fact that 9/11 was committed by Muslim extremists scrubbed from the history books.

Their effect on the economy has been equally crushing.
A battle over religion is brewing in central Indiana after a public school wanted second graders to sing a song declaring, “Allah is God.” The phrase was removed just before the performance after a national conservative group launched a protest.

The principal of Lantern Road Elementary School in Fishers, IN, said they were trying to teach inclusiveness through their holiday production. It included references to Christmas, Hanukkah, Ramadan, Las Posadas and Kwanzaa. However, no other deity, other than Allah, was referenced in the show.

“It went off…without a hitch,” Danielle Thompson told the Indianapolis Star. “Several families thought it was a nice program.”

But others did not – especially David Hogan. His daughter came home with a copy of the lyrics just days before the production. Hogan, a Christian, told the American Family Association, a conservative advocacy group, that he was deeply concerned to learn that his daughter had been singing, “Allah is God.”

Here’s what the children were assigned to sing:

“Allah is God, we recall at dawn, Praying ‘til night during Ramadan At this joyful time we pray happiness for you, Allah be with you all your life through.”


Micah Clark, executive director of the Indiana AFA, launched an Internet protest once he heard about the allegations. “What surprised me here is that we’ve had a secular scrubbing of Christmas for so long and the school apparently didn’t see the problem with kids singing to Allah,” he told FOX News Radio. “You won’t even mention Jesus and you’re going to force my child to sing about Allah?

So they harass and persecute a kid who draws a picture of Jesus. They teach various kinds of sex in schools. Now this. Something is seriously wrong with the schools, and it’s called liberalism.
TAUNTON, Mass. (AP) — A Massachusetts man says his 8-year-old son was sent home from school and ordered to undergo a psychological evaluation after drawing a stick figure Jesus on a cross because the teacher thought it was too violent.

The man told the Taunton Daily Gazette for a story Tuesday his second-grader made the drawing Dec. 2 after his teacher asked children to sketch something that reminded them of Christmas.

The father, Chester Johnson, said on WBZ-TV that the teacher became upset when his son said he drew himself on the cross. Johnson says school officials overreacted.

The boy was cleared to return to school after the evaluation.

Superintendent Julie Hackett said she could not discuss an individual student and the school followed protocol.

Hackett didn’t return calls from The Associated Press on Tuesday.


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