Saturday, May 22, 2010


Is MSNBC Racist? You bet! Watch this video and look at the row of MSNBC news crew. Where are the minority faces. Liberal Democrats are the worst abusers of race but wrap the cloak of Marxism around their shoulders to hide this. Practise what you preach, you hypocrites! (No, not Marxism but put some minorities among you if you preach others are racists and fail to do so yourselves).

NEW YORK - A George Soros-funded, Marxist-founded organization calling itself Free Press has published a study advocating the development of a "world class" government-run media system in the U.S.

A newly released book, meanwhile, documents Free Press has close ties to top Obama administration officials. "The need has never been greater for a world-class public media system in America," begins a 48-page document, "New Public Media: A Plan for Action," by the far-left Free Press organization.

"Commercial media's economic tailspin has pushed public media to the center of the debate over the future of journalism and the media, presenting the greatest opportunity yet to reinvigorate and re-envision the modern U.S. public media system," argued the Free Press document, which was reviewed by WND.

Free Press Founder Robert W. McChesney

The Free Press study urges the creation of a trust fund - largely supported by new fees and taxes on advertising and the private media - to jump start the founding of a massive government-run public media system that will ultimately become self-sufficient.

"We believe local news reporting should become one of the public media's top priorities," said Free Press Managing Director Craig Aaron, one of the paper's co-authors.

"We should redeploy and redouble our resources to keep a watchful eye on the powerful and to reliably examine the vital issues that most Americans can't follow closely on their own," Aaron stated.

Free Press is a well-known advocate of government intervention in the Internet.


Arizona State Sen. Russell Pearce, the author of the controversial state immigration bill, told his constituents that he wants to invalidate the U.S. citizenship of children who were born to illegal immigrants. He also sent constituents an e-mail he later said he disagrees with. "If we are going to have an effect on the anchor baby racket, we need to target the mother," it said. Other political leaders have called for an end to birthright citizenship. Rep. Duncan Hunter of California told a tea party rally he´d support deporting the children of illegal aliens despite their birthright citizenship.

The law being used to give anchor babies citizenship was originally intended to cover children of slaves who had been brought to the USA -UNWILLINGLY and were not officially citizens. NOT illegal immigrants who sneak in willlingly to cheat the system.


By: Charles Krauthammer


Under President Obama’s new policy, however, if the state that has just attacked us with biological or chemical weapons is “in compliance with the Non-Proliferation Treaty,” explained Gates, then “the U.S. pledges not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against it.”

Imagine the scenario: Hundreds of thousands are lying dead in the streets of Boston after a massive anthrax or nerve gas attack. The president immediately calls in the lawyers to determine whether the attacking state is in compliance with the NPT. If it turns out that the attacker is up-to-date with its latest IAEA inspections, well, it gets immunity from nuclear retaliation. (Our response is then restricted to bullets, bombs and other conventional munitions.)

However, if the lawyers tell the president that the attacking state is NPT noncompliant, we are free to blow the bastards to nuclear kingdom come.

This is quite insane. It’s like saying that if a terrorist deliberately uses his car to mow down a hundred people waiting at a bus stop, the decision as to whether he gets hanged or 100 hours of community service hinges entirely on whether his car had passed emissions inspections.

Apart from being morally bizarre, the Obama policy is strategically loopy. Does anyone believe that North Korea or Iran will be more persuaded to abjure nuclear weapons because they could then carry out a biological or chemical attack on the United States without fear of nuclear retaliation?

The naivete is stunning.

Faithfully executing the laws is for little people. The fact that the Obama administration does not give a s**t about border security, but it does like to squander money with glorious abandon is seen in three vignettes. The first is their plan to spend seven millions of dollars upsizing and aggrandizing a Canadian border crossing, located in the middle of a Vermont farm, that accommodates 2 ½ cars per hour. They are so determined to do this that they have threatened to condemn roughly five acres of a dairy farm because the family that owns the farm does not want...

BTW Obama recently had a PRIVATE closed door, court session to grant his Kenyan Aunt Zeitooni ASYLUM in the USA. Reasons for why granting this lady who lived and lives for many years in PUBLIC housing at our expense and was previously ordered deported and whose family (and Obama's) RULES Kenya, required asylum!!!!

BTW 17 States are joining Arizona in passing similar  legislation!!!

The Arizona law mimics almost word for word FEDERAL law except it makes the breach a misdemeanor instead of the Federal law's FELONY status.

Charles Krauthammer: "I think it's a perfect example of the arrogance and the near lawlessness of this administration." "[The Arizona law] is as legal a law as any other law in the land. And for the executive to say we're going to ignore it, or we're going to unenforce immigration essentially in this state on account of this, is lawless."

Charles Krauthammer: "I think it's a perfect example of the arrogance and the near lawlessness of this administration."

"[The Arizona law] is as legal a law as any other law in the land. And for the executive to say we're going to ignore it, or we're going to unenforce immigration essentially in this state on account of this, is lawless."

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