Tuesday, September 14, 2010



A 17-year old Brit calls Obama a "prick" in an Email and gets banned from travelling to the USA for life.

Meanwhile some VERY bad Islamic clerics who had been banned for a couple decades from coming to America for terrorist activity have been REMOVED - specifically on Oba-Hussein's orders to the State Department - from the banned entry lists and are now in the USA  promoting violent jihad!!!

An equivalency only an "it's all about me and my ideology" NARCISSIST  could employ and a SUPPRESSIVE  narcissist who could not care less about Islam's DECLARED intent to destroy America - actually supports it by his actions - nor can narcissistically accept the opinion and wishes of at least 70% of Americans who disagree with his idealogy!

This picture speaks volumes about the usurper in our "The People's House" and the Islamic backup he counts on to keep him in power.

Out of some 50 armed conflicts around the world nearly 80% are Islam involved. 

Use the November Mid-term Elections
to take back
our country back from the weirdos YOU PUT IN PLACE!

Some Important Worldwide Information

Main warring parties           Year began1

Middle East

Iran vs. Mujahideen Khalq Organization (MKO) 1979

Iraq vs. Desert Storm Coalition (U.S. & U.K.) 1991

Iraqi government (Sunni) vs. Shi'a (Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq) 1991

Iraq vs. Kurds 1961

Israel vs. Palestinian Authority/Hamas/Hezbollah/Palestinian separatists 1948


Afghanistan: U.S., U.K., Northern Alliance, and Coalition Forces vs. al-Qaeda 2001

India vs. Kashmiri separatist groups/Pakistan 1948

India vs. Assam insurgents (various) 1979

Indonesia vs. Aceh separatists 1969

Indonesia vs. Irian Jaya separatists 1969

Philippines vs. Mindanaoan separatists (MILF/ASG) 1971


Algeria vs. Armed Islamic Group (GIA) 1991

Burundi: Tutsi vs. Hutu 1988

Democratic Republic of Congo and allies vs. Rwanda, Uganda, and indigenous rebels2 1997

Liberia vs. LURD rebels 2000

Somalia vs. rival clans 1991

Sudan vs. Sudanese People's Liberation Army2 1983

Uganda vs. Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) 1986


Russia vs. Chechen separatists 1994

Latin America

Colombia vs. National Liberation Army (ELN) 1978

Colombia vs. Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) 1978

Colombia vs. Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC) 1990

Here are the countries with a Muslim majority. In practically every one, the government is oppressing non-Muslims.

Name Population % of Muslims

1 Afghanistan 18M 99%

2 Albania 2.3M 75%

3 Algeria 22M 98%

4 Bahrain .220M 99%

5 Bangladesh 100M 85%

6 Cameroon 6.2M 55%

7 Central African Republic 2M 55%

8 Chad 4M 85%

9 Dahomey 3M 60%

10 Egypt 51M 93%

11 Ethiopia 27M 65%

12 Gambia .4M 85%

13 Guinea 4.3M 95%

14 Guinea-Bissau .81M 70%

15 Indonesia 161M 95%

16 Iran 48M 98%

17 Iraq 14.5M 95%

18 Ivory Coast 5M 55%

19 Jordan 3M 95%

20 Kuwait 1M 98%

21 Lebanon 3M 57%

22 Libya 3M 100%

23 Malaysia 14.5M 52%

24 Maldive Islands 12M 100%

25 Mali 6M 90%

26 Mauritania 2M 100%

27 Morocco 24M 99%

28 Niger 4.5M 91%

29 Nigeria 100M 75%

30 Oman .75M 100%

31 Pakistan 90M 97%

32 Qatar .18M 100%

33 Saudi Arabia 10.5M 100

34 Senegal 7M 95%

35 Sierra Leone 3M 65%

36 Somalia 5M 100%

37 South Yemen 1.5M 95%

38 Sudan 22M 85%

39 Syria 11M 87%

40 Tanzania 15M 65%

41 Togo 2.1M 55%

42 Tunisia 7M 95%

43 Turkey 66M 99%

44 U.A.E .32M 100%

45 Upper Volta 6M 56%

46 North Yemen 6M 99%

Here are the countries with a Muslim minority. In practically every one, the Muslims are spreading fear and hate and killing of non-Muslims..

Country Name Muslims % of total population

Angola 1.5M 25%

Argentina .5M 2%

Australia .13M 1%

Bhutan .05M 5%

Botswana .03M 5%

Brazil .21M .2%

Bulgaria 1.3M 14%

Burma 3M 10%

Burundi .7M 20%

Cambodia .07M 1%

Canada .1M .5%

China 100M 11%

Congo .15M 15%

Cyprus .21M 33%

Equatorial Guinea .07M 25%

Fiji .06M 11%

France 2M 3.80%

Germany 1.5M 2.40%

Ghana 3M 30%

Gibraltar .003M 10%

Greece .27M 3%

Hong Kong .004M 1%

Guyana .01M 15%

India 100M 12%

Italy .55M 1%

Japan .01M 1.00%

Kenya  4M  29.50%

Liberia .5M 30%

Lesotho .12M 10%

Malagasy Republic 1.4M 20%

Malawi 1.7M 35%

Malta .045M 14%

Mauritius .14M 19.50%

Mozambique 2.2M 29%

Namibia .034M 5%

Nepal .5M 4%

Netherlands .2M 1.50%

Panama .05M 4%

Philippines 5M 12%

Portuguese Timor .012M 20%

Reunion .09M 20%

Rumania .2M 20%

Zimbabwe 1M 15%

South Africa .5M 2%

Sri Lanka 1.2M 9%

Surinam .1M 25%

Swaziland .046M 10%

Thailand 6M 14%

Trinidad & Tobago .127M 12%

Uganda 4M 36%

U.K 1.5M 2.70%

U.S.S.R (Russia) 60M 20%

U.S.A 3.2M 1.50%

Yugoslavia 5M 20%

Zaire 2.4M 10%

Zambia .7M 15%

Keep in mind, Oba-Hussein is not the only problem, the morons who voted for him who are. Educate them!

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