Saturday, February 05, 2011


Here is an announcement of demonstrations in London against the current Islamic regime in Iran on February 21st - one of many planned around Europe and the USA.

Scheduled for 4:30 p.m. till 7:30 p.m. in front of the "occupied" Iranian Embassy and Consulate of the current Islamic regime.

Announcements for other locations will appear, so check your Persian press and contacts.

MOST FASCINATING, however, is the feedback coming from inside Iran that the Iranian opposition movement is waiting for a declaration by H.I.H. Crown Prince Reza to pour into the streets in a anti-Mullah demonstration.

Some reports indicate they will be in the streets anyway, with or without his urgings.

ALSO FASCINATING, how will Obama, who has strongly supported the pro-Islamic aspects of protests in Eqypt against secularist Mubarak, insisting on his resigning, now react to an anti-Islamic anti-Mullah regime outpouring in Tehran and other Iranian cities. Specially after having ignored and brushed off protests last year in Iran far bigger than Egypt AND where THOUSANDS were arrested and later raped, tortured and murdered in prisons (at the time AntiMullah posted a list of names of about 1,000 of them, which had been indentified by the students who were part of it).

The bloody regime of the Mullahs was a ten thousand times more brutal, repressive an d oblivious to the wish of the people, in dealing with the protesters than the worst of the worst of Egypt but because Egypt is anti-secular and involves allowing Obama buddy the Moslem Brotherhood into a take over of power inn Egypt and conflagration of pro-Islamic uprisings in the regions and beyond,  he has come out swinging against Mubarak but mumbled some platitudes against the Iranian Mullah regime.

His inexperienced and naive handling of the new world/regional situation, clearly shows he is far more interested in his own ego than in the best interests of America. I was going t o say of his own country but I am no longer able to say he considers America his own country - or ever did - rather than an impediment in his grandiose, megalomaniacal, narcisistic view of becoming a leader of the global Moslem Caliphate or New World Order he has worked so hard to bring into being.

Crushing Human Rights wherever it was needed and oppressing the American populace with ludicruous, back breaking, budget breaking, freedom removing bills is part of Obama's view of "freedom", which seems ot mean freedom for him to do whatever he wants but of not worthy of consideration when we wish the same right. Even though it is given to us in our Constitution. (As if he cares about the Consititution other than to find ways to circumvent it with a semblance of legality).

تظاهرات بزرگ 22 بهمن در لندن

هموطن. تظاهرات بزرگ 22 بهمن در روز آدینه (11 فوريه 2011 ) در مقابل سفارت اشغالی ايران در لندن از ساعت 4:30 تا 7:30 نيمروز برگزار خواهد شد.

جمعيت خرد پيشه گان ريشه ای ايران با هماهنگی با گروه های ديگر سياسی در انگلستان در برگزاری اين تظاهرات از هم ميهنان دعوت مينمايد که با حضور خود به حکومت جنايت جمهوری اسلامی نشان دهيم که مردم ايران اين روز شوم را تا برکناری این رژیم جنایتکار فراموش نخواهد کرد.

بدينوسيله : جمعيت خرد پيشه گان ريشه ای ايران از هم ‌ميهنان گرامی دعوت مينمايد. ضمن شركت در اين تظاهرات به حمايت از مردم رنجديده ايران و با دادن دلگرمی به آنان و اعتراض به کشتار هر روزه جدید جمهوری اسلامی برای رهایی كشور تحت سلطه غاصبان، به آزاديخواهان بپيوندید.

هموطن: هم ميهنان درون مرز در موقعيت خطرناکی قرار گرفته اند زمان ساکت نشستن و چشم دوختن به کشور يا کشورهای بيگانه که ما را آزاد کنند نيست با همبستگی ميتوانيم کشورمان را آزاد کنيم روز 22 بهمن سالروز ننگين و بلائی که آن روز به وسیله کشورهای بیگانه با دستیاری روشنفکران کوته فکر که هنوز دست بردار نیستنند به کشور و مردم ايران وارد آمد بر ماست که در اینروز به جهان نشان دهيم ملت ايران هرگز تا آزادی ميهن ساکت نخواهند نشست.
محل و روز تظاهرات:

تاريخ: آدینه 22 بهمن 2569 (1389) ( 11 فوريه 2011 ) زمان: 4:30 تا 7:30 بعد از نيمروز

جلوی سفارت اشغالی ايران: روبروی هايد پارك، پرنسس گيت، كنزينگتون لندن، اس دبليو 7
Princes Gate, Kensington, London SW7

نزديکترين ايستگاه قطار زير زمينی: های استريت کنزينگتون يا سآت کنزينگتون و يا نای تس بريج

Knightsbridge يا South Kensington يا High Street Kensington
اتوبوس شماره‌هاي: 9 و10 يا 52
برای اطلاعات بيشتر با تارنمای يا شماره موبايل انگلستان 6289 277 - 0793 آقای آرش تماس بگيريد.

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