INTRODUCTION (letter from a real Marine)My friends,
Now we are told that the two kidnapped American soldiers had their genitals cut off and stuffed into their mouth. They were brutally beheaded. They were tortured unmercifully while still alive by the disciples of Allah, and I hear no words of outrage from the "left" today.
Not a single word from Kennedy, Kerry, Pelosi, Howard Dean or Cindy Sheehan – not even the ex-Marine (“ex” applies to this particular traitorous Marine) Murtha.
If they speak at all, it is only to blame our president. Shame on the liberals. Shame on the Democrats. Shame on the MSM (mainstream media). Specially those like the New York Times, who please their terrorist readers more than their American ones.
These two kidnapped men were U.S. Marines. They were America's finest. They were slaughtered by the "armed" enemy, by the insurgents who applaud Kerry and Murtha's proposals to retreat as coinciding with their own views and their plans to drive us into retreat and defeat.
There is a growing chorus coming from the "left" today urging us to close Gitmo. At Gitmo we have detained 432 terrorists. These vermin are the worst scum on the planet. We are at war. Can I say that again? WE ARE AT WAR!
At Gitmo these arrogant, bloodthirsty, murdering cowards have the following amenities:
Air conditioning
three meals per day
they have their Qurans
And, they have an army of ACLU types willing to do their bidding.
At Gitmo they eat better than you and me.
Yet, all we hear from the "left" today is that we must close Gitmo because of our abuse of those poor terrorists. That Bush and America are worse than the terrorists. Lies and audacity.
Meanwhile, when our enemies detain our troops, America's best and America's bravest get slaughtered in the name of Allah. Where is the treasonous press today? Why aren't the headlines filled with rage for this subhuman enemy?
My friends, allow me to share just a shred of truth with you:
"Good people sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."
Said differently? Many in this nation do not deserve the freedom these brave soldiers have provided us. Can you think of another time in history where there was such blindness, hypocrisy and lack of honor? Of the Michael Moores, of the Cindy (wanna-be Jane Fonda) Sheehans?
I am depressed. I am discouraged. I want to fight back. I don't know what to do. I have never felt so uneasy or so helpless. I suppose this letter today is my way of coping with my sadness and anger. Please forgive me.
Will America wake up in time? Will we find the courage to face this enemy and defeat him? If we sleep on, if we continue to give way to the "politically correct," I am afraid we will be overrun and our children will rise up and curse us.
If there was ever a time to pray for common sense and sanity to guide us, not mindless left leaning election agendas, spouted by our treacherous and traitorous internal enemies consorting and supporting those who wish us harm, perhaps this is the time.
Semper Fi,
From an old and frustrated jarhead.
NOTE: After reading this article and the diatribe aimed at Bush, go to the article below about how the Democrats and Clinton helped Iran and started the Serbian War FOR PROFIT - as a contrast to the false accusations levelled by Sheehan and her ilk.
Words from one of this sad Marine's enemies:
(Sheehan Quote): "The star-spangled banner, which I can now see whipping in the wind outside of an airport terminal where I am writing this from does not fill me with pride: it fills me with shame and that flag symbolizes sorrow and corruption to me right now."
Response: Because as the "wanna-be Jane Fonda" of the War on Terror, for which you are far too ignorant and corrupt yourself, at least she was not paid to utter her Vietnam garbage as you are – you are the enemy of the USA and as such your comments are no different from those made by your buddy in Venezuela. An openly avowed enemy of the USA.
(Sheehan quote continued):"The flag represents so much lying, fixed elections, profiting by the war machine, high gas prices, spying on Americans, rapid erosion of our freedoms while Bush literally gets away with murder, torture and extreme rendition, contaminating the world with depleted uranium, and illegal and immoral wars that are responsible for killing so many."
"Lying" – look in the mirror Sheehan – you are a fount of lies. You spew these and other lunatic talking points to carry forward your one sided agenda. So, your motto would be "do as I say not as I do?" Telling lies is fine for you but others may not? And fine for your friends like Chavez, John Kerry or Michael Moore? Because they espouse your chosen position of enemy of the State just like the Taliban or Ossama bin Laden?
"Fixed Elections" – would you prefer no elections as is the case in many countries you support against the United States? Iraq finally had the closest thing to democratic elections in the lifetime of the country. Bad, bad Bush. Your friend Castro has elections? Chavez has had free and honest elections?
If you want to change the world, start with yourself – and your closest powerful friends. Let them set an example for everyone in Cuba and Venezuela – or else attack them as viciously as you do the USA – supposedly your own country.
Your bent buddy Carter (see the article here of Carter's Illegal Demands on the Shah of Iran) and note the suspicions of the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office that Comrade Carter was likely a Soviet mole. Just your kind of guy!
"Profiting by the war machine" – only in America? Every other industrialized country in the world profits from their arms and war industries. Both with individuals receiving lucrative contracts and payment of lots of kickbacks. OK everywhere except in America? Or if Clinton does it Serbia? (READ THE ARTICLE BELOW THIS ONE)
How would you, in your ignorance and naïve experience of the rest of the world, know anything about it? Yet you set yourself up as a pundit on international affairs? Osmosis through kissing Chavez?? Is it Bush or Chavez the one in bed with Iran? Selling them military jets? Threatening to stop oil flow to the USA. That’s all good, Bush bad, bad! Cindy wise, Cindy good!
"High Gas Prices" – are nothing to do with your liberal, left-wing friends blocking every effort to build new refineries, prevent using our domestic resources, right? Just all bad boy Bush's fault.
The prices are not linked to the price of oil in the world? Nor potential price setting by the major oil companies? Of course, bad, bad Bush controls all the oil companies, right?
They have no independent minds and marketing policies that were there long before either Bush was President. This does not suit your talking points and ludicrous blame game so just ignore it. Right?
"Spying on Americans" – in your books, spying on America, which everyone does, including the Taliban, your Communist friends, Russia's former head of the KGB, Putin, Iran, China etc., etc., and etc., may not be opposed by any US Government actions trying to prevent this, even if it may harm the safety of Americans?
If it takes away an onion skin thin slice of our supposed freedoms – which allow you to continue to spew your nonsense – but will prevent another 9/11 attack or define and identify sleeper terrorist cells, then we should be more Catholic than the Pope? Our Constitution should become a suicide pact with ourselves? Or only with you?
Is your main worry in fact that maybe just maybe you may be caught consorting with the enemy in an illegal fashion if all the truth comes out? Is that your main concern?
Sheehan quote continued): “A symbol which used to represent hope to so many around the world now fills so many with disgust.”
People like these person?
(Sheehan quote continued): “What could our flag possibly represent to them when their women are being raped and burned to conceal crimes and entire families are being killed by soldiers whose uniforms carry that symbol? I am sure that the flag symbolizes death and destruction to them which I hope they are not confusing with freedom and democracy."
Freedoms and democracy like the ones depicted here? Bosnia Atrocities
"Rapid Erosion of our Freedoms" – you espouse and promote our “freedom to be killed” – over and over again - by our enemies, your friends. On our own soil? Because we blindly, illogically must consider freedoms and avoid gaining intelligence available inside America relative to contact by our enemies in and out of America with organizations or forces intent on destroying us?
You worry more about telephone privacy than the survival of U.S. citizens both inside and outside the country? Of course you do, you ARE the enemy. Part of it at least.
Another part, which misuses the "public need to know" to divulge information useful to America's enemies is the Main Stream Media, without which you could not have your chosen role or your 15-minutes of notoriety.
"While Bush gets away with murder" – killing the Islamikazi enemy has never been murder. If some US troops, minimal in number, who come from exactly the same demographics as the people who create crime waves inside America at a rate as high as or higher than the US battlefield death statistics, commit crimes overseas, then that is Bush's fault? The fault of any Administration?
Have you found fault with the United Nations rapes and corruption, yet? Or is Bush the only villain your cross eyes can see? Mentally cross-eyed, certainly.
Going through the rest of your fatuous comments wastes space and my time but as a question, what makes you, a silly little twit, who repudiated a valiant son, who enlisted and RE-enlisted, a pundit, expert or even a half-way competent commentator on what is and what is not a justifiable, legal and moral war? Your liberal (to be polite) squinting eyes have no way to tell reality from your adopted fantasy.
Lastly, before I move on to more serious enemies than your attempts to make money, your attempts to find a place in the artificial sunlight of the Bush-haters, what makes you any different – inside your operating arena – to the Black Cockroaches – as the Iranian women police have been nicknamed?
They operate on the similar side to your coin as you except that being against the Islamic government of Iran is evil, criminal and use or enjoyment of any freedoms are forbidden.
The freedoms you use to support our enemy, of which you try be a part - because nobody else will have you – would have you arrested, lashed, gang-raped (maybe not you, the way you look), then strung up on a crane and hanged. Hanging is so often a relief for the young men and women who get hoisted to die horribly. Often bringing their knees up to their chests in convulsions and expelling their body fluids in their agony.
They act viciously – just as you do – to achieve their unsavory aims – so what makes you any better than them? Nothing. You fall into the same category as the Black Cockroaches, simply in a different setting. You get away with treason, while those depicted below neither allow nor can their victims get away with saying or doing a hundredth of your actions against our country.
But they are your friends, friends of friends and can do no wrong, even if they deny their people any freedoms, Still better, are they, than bad, bad Bush? You say so and often. What does that make you? Other than despicable and an idiot.
Here, take a look at some of the members of your alter ego. They look like this to freedom lovers in Iran, which Bush tries to encourage and you sabotage with your ad hominem attacks on him and support of America's enemy. Enemies who are so brutal, your support of them – directly and indirectly – is mind boggling.
But how would you know what goes on outside your little head? In the rest of the real world, not your paid fantasies.
Sgt. Sahar Daryani
2nd Lieutenant Mariam Golhar
2nd Lieutenant Gol Mohammadi
Capt. Farideh Malaeki
Maj. Shahla Ashtiani's picture will be added soon not that it looks very different from the ones above of her subordinates. As will all their Employee IDs.
Hey! Sheehan! Would you rather be like this woman instead of defying the comforts and freedoms offered to you in America? This would be the least punishment you would face if you were to run off at the mouth elsewhere as you do now.
If not, why encourage the enemy that does these things? Why not criticize the perpetrators of this savage brutality on this woman instead of a President who tries to protect you and others like you, most more deserving than you - despite your verbal diarrhea.
Take a good look at what your anti-American buddies do to people like you in their own societies - the ones you prefer and praise compared to America:
Compared to the woman they got off lightly - or did they?
Maybe, maybe not.
Tell me, Sheehan, tell me the difference between you and this man kissing the whip - other than gender. Show me the difference between your mind and his? His pleasure at inflicting idiotic, undeserved pain and yours?
And when they are done with this, carve and burn into the bodies of their victims like this:
When they have no more room on the canvas of their backs they have a go with heavy rods at their heads and feet with results like this:
These are your buddies and our enemies who do these atrocities.
Just in case, considering your own thick hide, you are sloughing this off as no big deal with your twisted logic, have a good look at a Kurdish victim of your friends.
This is how he used to look before your buddies got hold of him and did to him physically what you do verbally to our country.
You’re not that pretty to start with but I doubt if you would care swap places to look like this. There may be some so upset by your ranting who might wish you did. I will stick to and encourage only words.
And not even you in your extreme lunacy would want to share the pain he went through – at the hands of your buddies and enemies of the USA, at least my rational mind would not think so but with your orbit out in space swinging you around and around who knows what you might enjoy as a public figure seeking a moment of fame or preferably notoriety. Does make you beutiful by copmparison,though, does it not?
Those are not tattoos, they are missing chunks of flesh from his back and chest.
And those were originally his male appendages. Your friends turned them into this.
And repeatedly slashed his body all over.
Luckily, America also has people like Linda (check out her site) who not only looks more attractive than you but like most of the sane part of the nation is loyal to her country. I have never met her but her support for our nation and our troops is real.
I would not dishonor her by putting your face near hers for comparison and it’s not only her features but her clean soul which contrasts with the horrible excuse for one you present on a daily basis to the public and long suffering ones who feel like puking at the hatred you spew like sewage.
If you can utter what you do, then so can I put you in your place on behalf of the frustrated jarheads like the one who opened this article.
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