Wednesday, October 15, 2008


IF OBAMA BECOMES PRESIDENT SAY GOODBYE TO THE AMERICAN DREAM AND WELCOME A SOVIET STYLE ADMINISTRATION WHERE YOUR MONEY IS NOT YOURS IT BELONGS TO THE OBAMA/COMMUNIST STATE WHICH THEN GIVES A LITTLE OF IT BACK - AS LITTLE AS 35% AND OBAMA SPREADS THE WEALTH OR THE OTHER 65% OF MONEY YOU EARNED TO WHOMEVER HE LIKES. Barack Obama's recent blunder -- his admission that his policy is to "spread the wealth" of people like plumbers -- "encapsulates everything Senator Obama believes about economics," B y Richard A. Viguerie "On taxes, on spending, on regulation, on redistribution of wealth, the Obama economic policy can be summed up in two words: Marxism / Socialism. "Usually, a 'gaffe' is when a politician reveals what he really thinks. This 'gaffe' reveals that Barack Obama's agenda is to re-make America along the lines of socialist countries in Europe, most of which are headed toward collapse. No one is safe, not even people who work hard every day and just want a piece of the American dream. The Senator's attitude is 'Let them eat cake.' (Reference to Empress Mary Antoinette of France, commenting that if people had no bread, they should eat cake). During an Obama campaign stop in Ohio, a plumber told the Senator: "Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn't it? ... I've worked hard. I'm a plumber. I work 10-12 hours a day and I'm buying this company and I'm going to continue working that way. I'm getting taxed more and more while fulfilling the American dream." Obama told the plumber that the higher taxes he would pay would be good for society. "... My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody. ... I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." Said Viguerie: "Let me point out that the Senator made his comments to a plumber who works 10 to 12 hours a day. Barack Obama has a Marxist / Socialist idea of who the undeserving rich are."

As below? And as Islamic supporters and fund providers insist? Lots of Islamic money has flowed into his coffers and expect a quid pro quo in return.

jackson wright sharpton

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

جوانان ایران به جهانیان فریاد می زنند که:
اسلام یک دین اهریمنی است.
ما فهمیده ایم که محمد رسول الله یک دین اهریمنی و یک فرهنگ اهریمنی خلق کرده و مادر و دخترانش فاحشه بوده.
اکنون محمد رسول الله در جهنم است.
Iranian young people shout to all world peoples: Islam is a Satanic religion.We understand, "Mohammed messenger of Allah" has created a satanic religion and he has created a savagery culture .his mother was prostitute, and his girl was prostitute. Now "Mohammed messenger of Allah" is in the Hell.
صيحه الشباب الإيراني إلى جميع شعوب العالم : الاسلام هو الدين شيطانيه. ونحن نفهم ، "محمد رسول الله" قد اوجد شيطانيه الدين وقال انه قد أوجد ثقافة وحشية. والدته كانت عاهره ، وكان له فتاة عاهره. الان "محمد رسول الله" هو في الجحيم.
Ирански младежи Да за всички народи светът: Ислямът е религия сатанински. Ние разбираме, "Мохамед месинджър на Аллах" е създала в сатанински религия, а той е създал savagery култура. майка му е била проститутка, а момичето си е проститутка. Сега "Мохамед месинджър на Аллах" е в ада.
Translation: English » Chinese
伊朗的年轻人喊向所有世界人民:伊斯兰是一个撒旦的宗教。 据我们了解, “穆罕默德真主使者”创造了撒旦的宗教和他创造了一个野蛮的文化。 他的母亲是妓女,和他的女童被妓女。 现在“穆罕默德真主使者”是在地狱。
Translation: English » Chinese (Traditional)
伊朗的年輕人喊向所有世界人民:伊斯蘭是一個撒旦的宗教。 據我們了解, “穆罕默德真主使者”創造了撒旦的宗教和他創造了一個野蠻的文化。 他的母親是妓女,和他的女童被妓女。 現在“穆罕默德真主使者”是在地獄。
Translation: English » Croatian
Iranska mladih ljudi vikati na svim narodima svijeta: Islam je religija Satanic. Razumijemo, "Mohammed glasnik Allah" je stvorio satanic religije i on je stvorio savagery kulture. njegova majka bila prostitutka, i njegova djevojka je bila prostitutka. Sada "Mohammed glasnik Allah" je u Hell.

Translation: English » Czech

Íránský mladé lidi křičet, aby všechny národy světa: Islám je Satanské náboženství. Chápeme, "Mohammed posel Allah" vytvořila ďábelský náboženství a on vytvořil divokost kultury. Jeho matka byla prostitutka, a jeho dívka byla prostitutka. Nyní "Mohammed posel Alláh" je v pekle.

Translation: English » Danish

Iranske unge råbe til alle verdens folkeslag: Islam er en Sataniske religion. Vi kan forstå, "Mohammed budbringer af Allah" har lavet en sataniske religion, og han har skabt en grusomhed kultur. hans mor var prostitueret, og hans pige var prostitueret. Now "Mohammed budbringer af Allah" er i Helvede.

Translation: English » Dutch

Iraanse jongeren schreeuwen om alle volkeren ter wereld: de islam is een religie Satanic. We begrijpen, "Mohammed boodschapper van Allah" heeft een satanische religie en hij heeft een barbarij cultuur. zijn moeder was prostituee, en zijn meisje was prostituee. Nu "Mohammed boodschapper van Allah" is in de hel

this is posted from Iran