Saturday, October 23, 2010


Alan Note: not only has Obama used his brown-nosing pet,  Eric Holder's Dept. of Injustice to attack and prevent Arizonian efforts to implement American laws but has also thrown it at overpowering resistance efforts inside Tennessee State to limit a Moslem mosque by providing an uncalled for,  pro-mosque "friend of the court - amicus brief" basically saying it is forbidden by law to resist/oppose Islam (in addition to the notorious New York mosque case) and among other efforts to embed Islam into American law and life but is also using governmental red tape to prevent opposing/preventing illegal entry into the USA.

A good portion of which includes Islamic terrorists who hide among the smuggled entrants and have formed an estimated 60,000 suicide bomber cells so far in America, waiting to be activated. Or join Obama's one million person Civilian Security Forces to be used against those who oppose him.

In addition to granting multiple visas to radical, militant anti-America CLERICS (MANY FROM IRAN, sent out from the Supreme Ruler's north-east "holy" city of Mashhad in Khorrassan province). They travel around the USA under these "religious" visas, co-ordinating terror and Islamic efforts aimed against the USA and spread of violent Islam into every thread of our society.

In addition to importing tens of thousands of so-called Palestinians as political refugees from their Middle East homes (in the same vein as he arranged for his aunt Zeituni to claim political asylum from hers and his home country of Kenya) he has plans in motion - with just discovered huge fraud by SEIU to register illegal aliens in Arizona (and around the country) to steal the November election for the Democrats.

Check numbers at:

The article below indicates how over 1200 miles of our Mexican border is no longer controlled or premitted by Obama to be controlled by American authorities.

And if that fails, just watch the plans to do scorched earth damage by the Democrat lame duck Congress and Senate. All the ones who lost their election will still be there  in UNBLOCKABLE MAJORITY to vote for vicious, insane, mind-boggling bills, which even a majority win for Republicans and Independents cannpt repair.

And the Obaman Marxist-Islamist plan to see America destroyed will become an unpreventable reality. Or almost so.


GAO report: Border Patrol's hands tied by Interior, Agriculture rules

By Jordy Yager - 10/23/10

Several White House agencies charged with enforcing environmental laws are preventing thousands of Border Patrol agents along the U.S.-Mexico border from disrupting illicit trafficking operations, according to a study by the investigative arm of Congress.

The report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that about 15 percent of the 26 Border Patrol stations in the southwestern region say the Interior Department and the Agriculture Department have prevented them from catching illegal aliens coming over the border.

Nearly half of the thousands of miles of the U.S.’s border with Mexico – which saw about 556,000 people cross over it illegally last year – is federally maintained by the Interior Department and the Forest Service, which are charged with upholding the National Environmental Policy Act, the National Historic Preservation Act, the Wilderness Act, and the Endangered Species Act.

Under federal law, before Border Patrol agents can build roads or establish surveillance posts on this land, they must first receive permission from the land managing agencies. This process can take months while the land management agencies conduct tests to ensure the environmental safety of the land and its species, the GAO report said, resulting in the souring of actionable intelligence with the ranks of the Border Patrol.

“These delays in gaining access have generally lessened agents’ ability to detect undocumented aliens in some areas, according to the patrol agents-in-charge,” the report states.

In Arizona, for example, Border Patrol agents said it took four months to obtain permission from the appropriate agencies to move a mobile surveillance system, leaving a 7-mile range of border unwatched over the course of those 16 weeks. By the time the agents received permission, the illegal traffic had shifted to other areas, the report stated.

In New Mexico, a Border Patrol agent told the GAO that it took agencies EIGHT months to conduct an historic property assessment in an area where the Border Patrol needed a road to be improved so they could move an underground sensor.

“During this period, agents could not patrol in vehicles or use surveillance equipment to monitor an area that illegal aliens were known to use,” the report reads.

But despite the delays and restrictions that the Border Patrol has reported, 85 percent of its working force along the border said that “the overall security status of their jurisdiction is not affected by land management laws.”

The report’s findings come in the wake of an announcement made earlier this week by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano saying that arrests of illegal border-crossers has declined for the fifth year in a row, down some 72 percent from 2000 levels. Napolitano attributed the decline in border arrests to a weak economy and stronger levels of enforcement by the U.S.

Over the past five years the Border Patrol has nearly doubled the number of agents that patrol the U.S.-Mexico border to its current size of 20,500 and the Department of Homeland Security has spent  about $1.6 billion to provide technological resources to the area*.

* Apparently to build SEVEN miles of "virtual fence" which has now been abandoned and the money truly wasted.

Nearly three months ago President Obama ordered 1,200 National Guard troops to descend on the region to protect the border *, as violent crime continues to rise in Mexico and fear of spillover aggression stokes the fears of U.S. residents.

* Assigned to DESK JOBS!!!


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