'Vote Black' Buttons Hit DNC Convention Floor http://patdollard.com/2012/09/vote-black-buttons-hit-dnc-convention-floor/ Can You Just Imagine the Obvious?
God doesn’t belong in a godless party’s platform http://www.wnd.com/2012/09/god-doesnt-belong-in-a-godless-partys-platform/
Venezuela Holds U.S. Vessel And Crew On Suspicion Of Arms Trafficking http://onforb.es/TZf7E0
USS STENNIS, USS EISENHOWER, USS ENTERPRISE converge on IRAN! Pay attention! This is real and very serious http://wp.me/pGTNr-1Ty
Anderson Cooper: Wasserman Schultz In ‘Alternate Universe’ About DNC Platform Change http://www.westernjournalism.com/anderson-cooper-wasserman-schultz-in-alternate-universe-about-dnc-platform-change/
The DNC's Orgy of Lies and Hypocrisy http://www.rightsidenews.info/2012090516983/editorial/us-opinion-and-editorial/the-dncs-orgy-of-lies-and-hypocrisy.html
ForgeryGate: Larry Klayman’s Historic Letter To DNC Legal Counsel http://www.westernjournalism.com/forgerygate-larry-klaymans-historic-letter-to-dnc-legal-counsel/
BET Head Accuses Republican of “Pandering” To Blacks http://weaselzippers.us/2012/09/06/bet-head-accuses-republican-of-pandering-to-blacks/
Clinton: A Good Lawyer Defending A Guilty Client http://shar.es/u1rw2
Bill Clinton Is An Impeached Liar & A Disbarred Lawyer. If You Believe Anything He Said Last Night, You May Need Therapy
NFL star urges blacks not to vote for Obama..'I went out there, I worked for it, I built it'
Fact-Checking Bill Clinton http://shar.es/u1qSX
Jerusalem Debacle at DNC: Whither the Jewish Vote?
When will Jews finally stop their slavish devotion 2 Dem Party?
Dems to God and Everybody Else: Drop Dead ..'
video from Dems' floor vote on its platform amendment to restore God in His rightful context, where easily 2/3rds shouted "Noooo..." revealed the capstone moment on their march-to-the-gallows counter cultural revolution.
A perfect companion piece to the DNC ad running concurrently that "Government is the only thing we all belong to." For the Dems, dissing God has no repercussions.
After all God is irrelevant to the liberal intelligentsia. God is pre-enlightenment medieval lowbrow superstition. God is harshly judgmental. God is for "bitter clingers." And God doesn't vote. God is only the last in a long line of "drop dead" targets in the crosshairs of Dems'
Tea Party vs. GOP, the RNC Power Grab & the Future http://gulagbound.com/33231/tea-party-vs-gop-the-future/#.UEj2rGpsYQE.twitter
Honey, You Didn't Build That: http://youtu.be/3EZQvSCGaJI
Dean Wormer Grades President Obama and Friends: http://youtu.be/gaZSubIF_dE
What the Media Will Never Tell You About Obama, Part 2 http://gulagbound.com/33297/what-the-media-will-never-tell-you-about-obama-part-2/#.UEj3nD8bz3w.twitter
Savage: Dems rejection of God ‘the turning point’ http://www.wnd.com/2012/09/michael-savage-dems-rejection-of-god-the-turning-point/
Obama Hobbled by Record, Slumping Democratic Brand http://townhall.com/columnists/michaelbarone/2012/09/06/obama_hobbled_by_record_slumping_democratic_brand
Matthews a Few Race Cards Short of a Full Deck http://townhall.com/columnists/anncoulter/2012/09/05/matthews_a_few_race_cards_short_of_a_full_deck
WSJ: Obama Budget Plan Entails Tax Hike for Middle Class http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Obama-Budget-Tax-Hike/2012/09/06/id/450975
Special Report On Serial Rapist Bill Clinton http://www.westernjournalism.com/special-report-on-serial-rapist-bill-clinton/
Barack Obama Has Destroyed The Democrat Brand Name http://www.westernjournalism.com/barack-obama-has-destroyed-the-democrat-brand-name/
How Democrats Are Implementing The Communists’ Plan To Destroy America http://www.westernjournalism.com/how-democrats-are-implementing-the-communists-plan-to-destroy-america/
Ryan Supports Prayer in Schools If States Agree http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Ryan-SchoolPrayer/2012/09/05/id/450898?s=al&promo_code=FFA1-1
Why we are on the brink of the greatest Depression of all time http://fxn.ws/OaSb60
Paul Ryan And Bill Clinton Chat Backstage About Medicare, NY-26 (VIDEO)..what Bill Clinton said to Paul Ryan when he didn't think cameras were watching... http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/05/paul-ryan-and-bill-clinton-chat-backstage-about-medicare-ny-26-video.php
This one photo explains the difference between Republicans and Democrats http://rantpolitical.com/2012/09/05/this-one-photo-explains-the-difference-between-republicans-and-democrats/
False Choices From a Failed Messiah..A boundless ego laid bare as he slams GOP's "past policies." http://spectator.org/archives/2012/09/06/false-choices-from-a-failed-me
Bill Clinton's Sham Night http://spectator.org/archives/2012/09/06/bill-clintons-sham-night
Romney Claims Clinton in Latest Ad http://shar.es/undDQ
DNC Platform Still Guts Pro-Israel Language http://shar.es/unYzo
Geronimo Descendant At DNC: Elizabeth Warren 'A Disgrace'
Descendant-At-DNC-Warren-A-Disgrace And THEN SOME!
Resurrection: DNC Overrules Delegates, Rams God and Jerusalem
Back into Platform http://shar.es/unYJL
Video: Democrats were against God before they were for Him http://hotair.com/archives/2012/09/06/video-democrats-were-against-god-before-they-were-for-him/ Are Dems Mentally Challenged?
Three Times: They Said NO to God! http://youtu.be/K5ay6C8oy2w
Democratic Party Theology Explained: There is a God and They Hate Him http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2012/09/democratic_party_theology_explained_there_is_a_god_and_they_hate_him.html#.UEjU93LcNw0.twitter
PREDETERMINED: Photo proves DNC teleprompter loaded to affirm 2/3rds vote regardless outcome http://www.therightscoop.com/predetermined-photo-proves-dnc-teleprompter-loaded-to-affirm-23rds-vote-regardless-outcome/
Bill and Hillary and Huma and Anthony http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/09/bill_and_hillary_and_huma_and_anthony.html#.UEjRWxSHeTI.twitter
A Personal Letter To Sandra Fluke..'Sandra, welcome to the big show. First of all, let me congratulate you into turning a personal responsibility issue into another divisive political talking point. You and your Progressive zombies go to a Jesuit-sponsored school like Georgetown University (after your own admission that you deliberately targeted them) and DEMAND that they trash their beliefs and provide FREE contraception to you. Have I got that about right? You do NOT have the right to make that demand of anyone…EVER. You do have the right to apply to any school in the world that will have you and for which you qualify, but you do not have the “right” to demand anything from anyone!' http://www.westernjournalism.com/a-personal-letter-to-sandra-fluke/
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