Friday, July 31, 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
U.S. Preparing a Military Response to Coming Social Chaos
As the shocking confidential information contained in this briefing shows, the threat of social meltdown and chaos is so large a domestic law-enforcement arm of the U.S. military (referred to by The Army Times as the "Consequence Management Response Force") has been created to deal with what U.S. officials believe to be a coming, unprecedented wave of massive social chaos.
Later I'll show you why many Washington insiders (including officials directly involved in homeland security) are personally making emergency preparations for social chaos.
In addition, outgoing Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson told Sen. James Inhofe and Rep. Brad Sherman that so much financial mayhem lies ahead, U.S. troops may have to impose martial law to deal with social unrest.
Yes, U.S. Officials Are Quietly Preparing for BIG Trouble Ahead
A new report by the Army War College's Strategic Studies Institute states flatly the U.S. military must prepare for "a violent, strategic dislocation inside the United States" that could be provoked by "unforeseen economic collapse" or "loss of functioning political and legal order."
Late last year, The Washington Post noted the incoming Obama Administration is going to "earmark" at least 20,000 troops returning from Iraq to deal with "domestic emergencies."
Since then, the Army Times has broken the story that the domestic emergency army unit has been increased to 80,000 troops, who are being trained right now in Georgia.In short, U.S. officials expect big trouble ahead — but they are not warning the general public about the danger (much less urge the unsuspecting masses to make basic preparations).
A rare critic of the government's keep-the-public-in-the-dark mentality is former head of the U.S. Commission on National Security, Stephen Flynn. He noted in a recent Wall Street Journal editorial: "Too many officials believe telling the truth to Americans about the risk would set off a nationwide panic. Thus, they keep us sheep in the dark for our own good."
Boiled down, you need a real plan to deal with massive social dislocations that are headed our way. And you need to get started right now, because the government isn't going to give you a heads-up.Here’s Why Washington Expects to Use Troops Against Americans
Let me get straight to the point about the high probability of social chaos, what it will look like, and what you can do to not be among the millions of unsuspecting Americans who are going to get caught flat-footed.
You see, a government-consumer debt bubble 20+ years in the making is imploding — as desperate federal meddling to stave off financial collapse is "funded" by frantic funny-money printing to shower trillions of dollars over a restive public.
Even "mainstream" financial figures are finally admitting we may be in more than a recession. For example, the CEO of General Electric, Jeff Immelt, recently conceded the U.S. may be descending into a depression.
Until a few short months ago, official Washington wasn’t even using the "R" word. The "experts" are finally fessing up to what the rest of us can already see: Ghost malls springing up from coast to coast, with an estimated 148,000 store closures projected so far for 2009 — including Steve and Barrys, Sharper Image, Wicks, Levitz, CompUSA, Circuit City, Linens and Things, KB Toys, Whitehall Jewellers, and Shoe Pavilion.
Frightened U.S. policy-makers also note a number of giant chains are on the brink of bankruptcy for 2009, including Phillip Van Heusen (IZOD/Calvin Klein), Macys, Office Depot, Pacific Sunware, Bombay Company, Pep Boys, Sprint-Nextel service stores, Ethan Allen, Ann Taylor, Lane Bryant, Dillards, Starbucks, the Gap, Footlocker, and Home Depot.
Dire Unemployment Picture Foreshadows Social Chaos
John Williams of the authoritative Shadow Government Statistics notes that unfudged, un-manipulated government statistics suggests a whopping civilian unemployment rate of 17% — with a projected total to exceed 30% (during the Great Depression, unemployment approached an historic 25%).
In the U.S., job-shedding has now exceeded post-World War II levels and the January 28 Wall Street Journal warned: "One troubling sign is that the states that were first into recession — those with a heavy concentration of home building and manufacturing — are getting worse, not better..."
In December, the International Monetary Fund's managing director Dominique Strauss-Kahn warned of riots and unrest sweeping through Western countries as lower-income households are beset with credit constraints and rampant unemployment. (Such riots have already caused the government of Iceland to fall and triggered riots in Greece.)
Today's Americans Don't Resemble the Hardy Depression-Era GenerationNot to be politically-incorrect, but the simple truth is millions of Americans who've never known anything but prosperity and easy-money have a militant expectation that society "owes" them something.
And with so many families on the margins of survival already, the speed of the downward unemployment spiral is downright ominous (and unprecedented).
Worse, there are few signs the taxpayer dependents of today have any of the self-reliance skills that saw the hardy Great Depression generation through the tough times.In fact, there is mounting evidence tens of millions of low-income government dependents and many others infected with a sense of entitlement are prone to crime and violence — especially when it dawns on the masses there are not enough jobs and government promises of "relief" are as empty as the U.S. Treasury is bankrupt.
For example, in response to financially-troubled New York State making minor trims to its budget, an ugly 50,000+ mob took to the streets around city hall to demand higher taxes against the "rich." (Similar protests were mounted in Albany, Buffalo, and White Plains.)
In just the last year, when fuel prices were soaring and metals such as platinum were exploding, gasoline thefts across the nation became rampant. Copper was being ripped off from construction sites, pipes were torn out of abandoned houses and catalytic converters containing trace elements of platinum were being shanghaied from parked cars all over the country.
Of course, the possibility of a full-scale depressionary unemployment is just one "trigger" threatening to cause society to come completely unglued.
Systemic Collapse is a Real Possibility: Other Shoes Are Getting Ready to Drop
It is far too dangerous to ignore the growing signs of impending national social chaos. Even after absorbing some of the unsettling facts in this briefing, you need to act calmly and decisively make sure you can get the things you need and protect what’s yours — with undertones of frantic — while you still can. The signs of trouble abound.
Congressional Quarterly notes that pension fund losses are about to spill out onto the front pages — with nearly as much financial exposure as that which brought down America's banking giants.It has not made much news yet, but the pension funds of millions of retirees is down by a whopping $1.9 trillion.
This is why cities such as Philadelphia are quietly seeking federal money to bolster pension funds which CQ notes are 60% invested in the stock market — which itself has collapsed by a catastrophic 50% in just the last 18 months.
Not to scare the pants off you, but the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has quietly informed Congress that the "insurance" agency for private pension funds, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, is at high risk of failure. (This will not become a "crisis" until desperate people start trying to tap early retirement money that is not there — for now the looming pension catastrophe remains a "dormant" threat).
Worse, the former head of the U.S. Comptroller General Office, David Walker, essentially told Congress (before resigning in disgust) that the Social Security "Trust Fund" is a vault of IOUs; and Medicare will soon be effectively bankrupt.
State Governments Are Becoming Too Broke for Law-EnforcementThe American Association of Architects' historically-reliable construction index has plunged 34.7% — a grim indication the commercial real estate market is the next shoe to drop, which analyst Mike Larson forecasts will lead to an "unstoppable chain reaction of bankruptcies.
"The reason I bring this up is because 46 states are already experiencing major budget shortfalls. And yet it is taxes from U.S. commercial real estate on which local and state governments depend to fund fire, police and social services. (Not to mention major insurance carriers — many of which are going to go belly-up when the full extent of the commercial real estate bust hits their reserve portfolios.)
States such as California and Kansas don't even have enough money to send out tax refund checks (much less properly fund police departments) and are coping with the biggest annual job loss in a single year since 1945 (down 2.8 million jobs in 2008 alone).
The Washington Post notes two out of three large police departments in U.S. cities are already reporting budget cuts and hiring freezes, even as 233 departments told the Police Executive Research Forum that they are noticing a major "uptick" in property crime which they attribute to financial unrest.The National Center for the Victims of Crime reports a whopping 24% increase in calls from October 2007 to October 2008 as "job losses and economic stress factor into increased violence.
"In addition, cash-strapped states have been forced by collapsing tax revenue to release hardened criminals back into society, noted the Post. On February 21, The Charlotte Observer reported on a disturbing trend which is going on all over the country: Major budget cuts for jails even as criminality is on the rise.
The Observer story cited the closing of a youth detention center for violent offenders, an all-too-common "low-profile" budget-cutting practice going on all over the country.
More Evidence the You-Know-What is Going to Hit the Fan
Think about the widespread collapse of order and emergency services in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina — except on a national level.
The implementation of gun-confiscation laws, looters and thugs terrorizing the elderly with impunity, besieged hospitals without power, doctors and medicine. People forcibly herded into "containment zones" and denied access to food, water, and medical attention. At least 45 patients died in one city-run hospital after being abandoned by doctors and staff.
More recently, a simple fuel pipeline break in America's barely-functioning, antiquated energy infrastructure spawned major gasoline delivery disruptions throughout the entire Southeastern Seaboard region. For over six weeks, drivers could not find gasoline except by standing in line for hours to get just a few gallons of fuel.
The recent regional collapse of the U.S. fuel infrastructure is a major warning sign that the energy supply chain is stretched dangerously thin — which combined with financial unrest has the strong potential to create major disruptions in the food supply chain (most population centers have only three days of food available to the public through supermarkets — meaning panic runs on food are a distinct possibility as the potential for social chaos continues to mount).
If you think these scenarios cannot happen in the United States of America, talk with anyone who has ever been in the path of a hurricane. They will confirm that by the time the general public catches on to the danger, getting everyday items such as gasoline, batteries, plywood, medicine, water, and food becomes next to impossible. Social services, police protection, public transportation, and highway systems become next to useless.
When the Police Abandon Law-Abiding Neighborhoods to Mobs
And don't even get me started on police protection. Past riots in Washington DC and Los Angeles portend a disturbing pattern when social chaos overwhelms order. The police almost always "pull back" and abandon entire neighborhoods to vicious mobs.In the case of the 1992 Los Angeles Rodney King riots (as Caucasians and Asians were hunted down, robbed, and slaughtered), the police hunkered behind their defensive cordons as the murderous racist rage unfolded — the only outside contact law-abiding victims had in the riot zone were with intrepid news helicopters hovering overhead, broadcasting the racial pogroms on live TV.
You may even remember the only community to come out unscathed were sections of Los Angeles populated by Asian merchants — who fended off the mobs by placing shooters on the roofs of buildings within their defense perimeter. These heroic Korean merchants successfully protected their families, shops and homes.
All because they knew how worthless bureaucrats truly are and made their own preparations. Where are you in this process?
The coming social chaos will magnify these problems a thousand-fold. In short, it is extremely important to be one step ahead of the general public during an unfolding crisis. And at least three long steps ahead of the government's draconian, blunderbuss, freedom-stealing response.
Government Deliberately Keeps Public in the Dark About Multiple Threats to Public Order Some Americans have learned from past history and are quietly making basic emergency preparations for social chaos. Private gun sales at all-time record highs. Safe makers and alarm and generator installers have never been so busy. Not even close.
Highly successful financial players such as commodities genius Jim Rogers now openly says the U.S. is heading for an inflationary holocaust.
Which is why, for over a year — as confidence in the U.S. financial and political system continues to evaporate — physical gold and silver have been flying off the shelves — not just in the United States but all over the globe. The unavailability of physical gold and silver has become so acute that major U.S. mints have either curtailed or stopped taking orders for new coins.
The Washington Elite Are Quietly Making Themselves More Self-Reliant
Now I want to share an important personal insight with you that will probably never make the news. You see, I belong to two Washington, D.C. membership organizations which date back to the 1800s — with members that include a smattering of cabinet officials, members of Congress, mid-level federal managers and many, many, retired former insiders.
This is how I first learned that many top-level Washington insiders — many of whom have been directly involved in developing the Homeland Security Department, do not have confidence in government preparations for social chaos.I know this for a fact, not just because of my conversations with club members.
I am also an acquaintance with a private contractor who has a booming specialty business which does nothing but work in posh DC neighborhoods, installing emergency back-up generators, freezers for food, and safes (Even a quick review of the DC yellow pages suggests that installing emergency generators and other survival precautions has become a prospering cottage industry in the Washington area.)
As one of my very best Hillsdale College professors would have mused: "What would lead so many influential Washington insiders (who are in a position to know) to seek out ways to become so much more self-reliant than the average citizen?"
Outgoing Vice President Dick Cheney’s Chilling Prediction
Of course, financial mayhem may be the least of America’s problems. Right after leaving office, Vice President Dick Cheney warned of the possible deaths of "perhaps hundreds of thousands of Americans" in a terror attack using nuclear or biological weapons. "I think there is a high probability of such an attempt," the straight-talking Cheney warned during an interview with Politico.
An important item buried deeply in The Washington Post recently noted there are already 20,000 commercially-available labs in the world where a single person could synthesize any existing virus. In those same 20,000 labs, five people with $2 million can create an advanced pathogen—meaning a virus that will be able to infect even those people who have been immunized with conventional vaccines, and kill perhaps a million of them.
Former Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson confessed to a reporter he "worries every single night" about a possible bioterror attack on the U.S. food supply. "For the life of me," he said, "I cannot understand why the terrorists have not attacked our food supply because it is the easiest thing to do".
Two Categories of People: The Prepared vs. the Clueless
Whatever form the "triggering event" takes, not only will millions of Americans suddenly discover they are completely on their own, they will be completely unprepared for the government’s draconian response to social chaos.So there are two categories of people in America right now:
Category 1 are the millions of clueless who blissfully assume their political overlords are going to take care of them. These are the people most likely to get caught flat-footed when all hell breaks loose.
Category 2 are prudent, savvy people who are taking basic steps toward making their families and their households more self-reliant.
Monday, July 27, 2009

Sunday, July 26, 2009
The Iranian anti-mullah movement is taking an ever more determined stand and are organizing demonstrations not only inside Iran but throughout America and parts of Europe.
A major project is underway (the reason for the Email title this article (contact to the organizers of the project, Pars TV) which is planning a march (by bus) on Washington D.C.- in front of the White House.
Disappointed by Obama's mealy-mouthed refusal to suppport freedoms sought by the student demonstrations and supporting instead the Mullah regime in Iran and encouraged by the recent 50,000 or so person march in Los Angeles from the federal Building to Santa Monica, they are obtaining permits all along the route to stop at every Federal Building in each city that has one, on the way to Washington D.C.
Exact dates and cities will be announced once they have the permits.
The plan will encourage attendance at each venue and snowball participants all along (adding more buses as needed) so as massive a group as possible arrives at the destination.
Cities close or north of DC will follow suit and provide spokes of participants, who are invited to attend from all and any political predelicion or philosophy as long as it stands for freedoms and stands against the Mullah regime. While the man thrust is for iranians to join in,nobody gets turned away and all supporters are welcome.
Gathering at Federal Buildings simplifies and removes the need to designate different kinds of meeting places at each stop.
One question arises. Who is footing the bill? In French they say "cherchez-la femme" (find the woman) to get to the source of a situation, here in America we say "follow the money".
While there are multitudes of affluent Persians in the USA not enough of them have the means or time to spend 22-days travelling cross country covering the expense of paying for their own hotels and meals to create decent demonstrations at the various en route stops.
The cost estimate would translate to several million dollars at the every least and tens of millions if the number of participants in this cross country caravan of buses is sizeable enough..
Saturday, July 25, 2009

This is yet another reason for you to produce your birth and other requested documents to show you have no vulnerability opening you up to blackmail by enemies of the USA - even if they do not strike you as being your enemies. Or you even consider them your friends anyway.
The only Lincolnian aspect that applies to you is that you can fool all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time BUT not all of the people all of the time. And your time of fooling us appears to be reaching an end.
Friday, July 24, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Barack Hussein Obama's "birthday" is coming up in just two weeks -- on August 4th... so we have a special birthday surprise planned for him, and I would like YOU to take part.
Click to FAX All 50 State Attorneys General To Investigate Obama's Birthday FRAUD
According to published reports, Barack Obama's legal team has been paid over one million dollars, so far, to STOP anyone from seeing ANY of his actual identification documents, or many other documents:
Actual long-form birth certificate (NOT an easily-forged electronic copy of a short-form document that is not even officially accepted in Hawaii)
Passport files
University of Chicago Law School scholarly articles
Harvard Law Review articles
Harvard Law School records
Columbia University records
Columbia University senior thesis, "Soviet Nuclear Disarmament"
Occidental College records, including financial aid that he may have received
Punahou School records, where Mr. Obama attended from the fifth grade until he finished high school
Noelani Elementary School records, where Barack Obama attended kindergarten (according to the Hawaii Department of Education, students must submit a birth certificate to register -- but parents may bring a passport or student visa if the child is from a foreign country)
Complete files and schedules of his years as an Illinois state senator from 1997 to 2004
Obama's client list from during his time in private practice with the Chicago law firm of Davis, Miner, Barnhill and Gallard
Illinois State Bar Association records
Baptism records
Obama/Dunham marriage license
Obama/Dunham divorce documents
Soetoro/Dunham marriage license
Soetero/Dunham Adoption records
By the way, the issue of the Occidental College records is especially pertinent. The United States Justice Foundation (USJF) served officials at Occidental College with a subpoena to produce records concerning Barack Obama's attendance there during the 1980's, because those records could document whether he was attending as a foreign national.
You see, Mr. Obama attended the school on a scholarship -- and there are questions as to whether the financial aid he received was reserved for foreign students.
The Obama attorneys have bent over backward to block us. He doesn't want anyone to see those records.
He's STILL trying to hide them; those financial records STILL have not been released. WHAT is Barack Obama trying to hide?
WHAT is he afraid of? WHY doesn't he just release these documents to prove that he is a natural-born citizen and, therefore, qualified to serve as President -- especially his actual birth certificate? Isn't it time we FORCED him to come clean? His "birthday" is the PERFECT time to do it!
Click to FAX All 50 State Attorneys General To Investigate Obama's Birthday FRAUD
I dared bring Barack Obama into court to force him to produce his birth certificate, and put an end to the controversy over his status as a "natural born" citizen once and for all. And now he's coming after me and the United States Justice Foundation (USJF) -- the public-interest legal group that I founded over 30 years ago -- with a vengeance!
Why? Because we dare to seek the TRUTH!
And they must have something to hide, because Mr. Obama's attorneys have threatened to spend, and then sanction, USJF out of existence. That's why USJF has started efforts to convince State Attorneys General, all across the country, to investigate whether Barack Obama has committed perjury by knowingly filing false nomination papers... claiming to be constitutionally eligible to run for, and serve as, President of the United States.
As you know, the available evidence shows that he was born in Africa.
Frankly, the evidence that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Africa -- not Hawaii as he claims -- and, therefore, cannot serve as the President of the United States, is compelling.
First, Mr. Obama's refusal to release his birth certificate. If he has nothing to hide, what does he gain by refusing to allow the press to see the birth certificate? Second, the contention by Barack Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, that Mr. Obama was born in a particular Hawaiian hospital, only to claim that it was in a different hospital several years later.
And, most recently, Barack Hussein Obama has contradicted himself, in writing, regarding the name of the hospital where he claims to have been born.
Third, the erecting of a wall around Barack Obama's grandmother, the late Madelyn Dunham, by Mr. Obama, thus cutting off access to the one person then alive who would have been present if he was actually born in Hawaii.
Fourth, the posting of law enforcement personnel at the two hospitals in Honolulu mentioned by Ms. Soetoro-Ng in an effort to block the press from discovering the truth about the birth certificate.
Fifth, a taped phone conversation with Mr. Obama's step-grandmother in Kenya, who claims that she was present at his birth... in what is now called Kenya! Sixth, the "birth certificate" posted on the Obama campaign website and other liberal websites.
Since Barack Obama was born in 1961, long before laser printers and office computers, his original birth certificate would be typewritten ... unlike the laser printed "copy" purported to be genuine.
The evidence demands that Barack Obama answer why he has been hiding the truth from the American people about his eligibility to run for, and serve as, President!
Click to FAX All 50 State Attorneys General To Investigate Obama's Birthday FRAUD
It's TRUE. Not only does Mr. Obama continue to categorically refuse to produce the decisive evidence proving whether he is a "natural born" citizen, his high-priced LA-based "dream team" of attorneys has USJF squarely in its crosshairs!
And they're loading both barrels!
So, unless you help me and my team here at USJF to stand our ground in court, Mr. Obama's hired guns could blow a financial hole in USJF's ability to be the proverbial thorn in Mr. Obama's side! Barack Obama continues to battle any attempt to see his real birth certificate -- producing only a phony one posted on his website -- as well as fighting us tooth and nail as we seek access to his college records... records which we believe may prove that he was foreign born! USJF served that subpoena upon Occidental College to gain access to Mr. Obama's college records, and we are fighting to get at the truth on many other fronts, as well, including:
Appealing a case filed by USJF in California, all the way up to the United States Supreme Court, if necessary, on behalf of 2008 Presidential candidate Alan Keyes, calling into question Mr. Obama's status as a "natural born" citizen;
Funding and assisting local attorneys and Plaintiffs, in similar lawsuits, in Ohio, Hawaii, and Mississippi -- AND we'll soon be filing more lawsuits; and
We have initiated a campaign demanding that every State Attorney General in the country take action now to force Mr. Obama to just show us the TRUTH. You see, when Barack Obama officially entered the office of President, he became, in essence, a "pretender to the throne."
According to the Constitution, only a "natural born citizen" can occupy the presidency. Even though he was sworn in on January 20, 2009, Barack Obama is NOT legally the President of the United States, unless he can prove that he is a "natural born citizen."
What's more, every action taken by him while he occupies the White House may be invalid. If he cannot legally be President, every law passed by Congress will be null and void because the Constitution clearly requires that all laws be signed by the President... and, without a legally elected and sworn in President in office, that becomes an impossibility.
Quite frankly, this crisis must be ended! And it must be ended NOW! And that's just what we're fighting to do.
The United States Justice Foundation is spearheading a campaign to protect the United States Constitution... and your liberty. We have to press our case to stop Barack Obama from, apparently, illegally holding the Presidency, despite the ongoing threats against us.
We will be filing additional lawsuits and administrative actions, over and above those already filed, if you will help us today. I need your help right now in order to win this battle.
We need grassroots patriots all across America -- that's YOU -- to contact all 50 State Attorneys General. Helping USJF with this campaign is your best shot, and, possibly your only chance, at finding out whether Barack Obama is legally holding the Presidency of our great nation, or whether he is a fraud -- a usurper!
My friend, please take action immediately. Please FAX all 50 State Attorneys General and please consider making your best possible gift to help USJF stop Barack Obama from continuing his apparent theft of the Presidency!
Click to FAX All 50 State Attorneys General To Investigate Obama's Birthday FRAUD
Are you willing to see the Constitution shredded by the Left? Will you sit back and do nothing while a foreign-born person may be illegally occupying the White House as President of the United States?
We will not be intimidated. But we MUST have your financial help immediately if USJF is to survive this fight to the finish -- and if the U.S. Constitution is to weather this crisis intact!
Our country is on the fast track to disaster...but you can help us keep the situation from getting worse. I pray that I'll hear from you today. Sincerely,Gary Kreep, Executive Director United States Justice Foundation
P.S. This is the biggest political cover-up in American history! It would be so simple to release the documents to PROVE Obama is a natural-born citizen... IF THEY HAD THE DOCUMENTS! America has never before faced such a threat. Everything we hold dear is at risk with Barack Obama sitting as President without him releasing his actual birth certificate.
Please, make your best possible contribution to USJF today.
Barack Hussein Obama thinks he can get away with DUPING the American people and DESTROYING the U.S. Constitution. DON'T LET HIM DO IT!
Click to FAX All 50 State Attorneys General To Investigate Obama's Birthday FRAUD
To donate by check, please mail to:
United States Justice Foundation
National Processing Center
Dept Code 2736
PO Box 131637
Houston, TX 77219-1637
The United States Justice Foundation (USJF) is a non-profit organization, whose tax-exempt status under IRS section 501(c)(3) has been recognized by the Internal Revenue Service.
Your contributions are tax deductible. Corporate contributions may be accepted.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

AND THIS.... By DAVID ESPO WASHINGTON (AP) - A senior administration official says billions of dollars to raise fees for doctors treating Medicare patients are not covered by President Barack Obama's pledge to pay for health care legislation. Budget Director Peter Orszag said Tuesday that's because the administration always assumed the money would be spent to prevent a cut of more than 20 percent in doctor fees. The Congressional Budget Office said last Friday the higher payments cost $245 billion over 10 years. It said including the money in the overall bill would result in deficits totaling $239 billion. On Friday, a few hours earlier, the president declared: "I've said that health-insurance reform cannot add to our deficit over the next decade. And I mean it."
We begin with a cipher created by Soros, the Saudis, some Soviet cockroaches in a sealed city.
Raised on stories of the glorious Red Army and the Great Plague of American Imperialism. He lusts for the murder of babies in the womb, of babies escaping abortion. His million to Raila Odinga buys gasoline to burn Christians in their churches. Obey or be declared an Enemy of the State. Obey or be committed Soviet-style to mental health asylum. Obey or be euthanized. See -- you have a choice.