Sunday, May 31, 2009
Her own family name is Rahnavard (رهنورد ) and she's the wife of Presidential candidate, former Prime Minister for Khomeini: - Moussavi (موسوی ).
Moussavi has rivers of blood on his hands but has been designated as a "moderate" and appears to be part of an anti-mullah program hatched some five years ago to copy the Orange movement of Ukraine with a POPULIST Green one in islamic iran.
Moussavi supporters all carry or wear, green ribbons or scarves in a solidarity gesture and to snowball this into a powerful movement.
Green is the color of islam and has one advantage of not being conspicuously anti-regime but would also be easily used by the hardliners to infiltrate - as can be seen in the video, where some women tear off their green scarves and berate Rahnavard.
She turns the tables by inviting them to speak. She cites "saint" Fatemeh as the example for women against which her hecklers (supporting Ahmadi-Nejad) cannot argue.
She asks one of the hecklers (tall woman on the right), "were you the one who got angry? Why? We are friends." (As women)
Rahnavard may become the public face and power behind the throne if Moussavi gets elected - mostly with her challenging the plight of women in islamic iran under the male bondage they suffer and putting them into the political, as well as promoting their freedom to advance to where their abilities can take them.
Somewhere inside I wonder if the female led (Mariam Rajavi) MEK (Mojaheddin) will play a role in any of this or may choose to infiltrate the Greens to weave themselves in to power and at some point brace the clerics.
Blood red (though sometimes Green or Olive/Khaki) scarves are their female recognition insignia.
Bringing his wife to the fore and allowing her to campaign for him - in male islamic iran - with a later potential to assume a position of power herself may prove to be a winning move against the current President Ahmadi-Nejad.
And set the groundwork for a later head on with the Supreme Ruler?
Note: the position of Prime Minister was abolished by Khomeini.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
By Mac Fuller
This is one of the best, and perhaps the most creative, ways I've seen or heard to explain President Barack Obama's and the Democrats' budget.
This video is 1 and 1/2 minutes long. When its over, I almost guarantee that you will send it to someone. Make that someone a Democrat, and, yes,... thank him or her again, for yet another in a long, wonderful series yet to come of "Thank an Obama Voter Today" moments.
(Alan Note: and for another "thank you FOR YOUR INSANE vote" send them the next article down below)
Another indicator as to what Oba-Hussein is doing to most of us, while favoring his buddies. Both here or in islamic countries which funded his election.
And now openly throwing the USA Jewish community which largely voted for him casually under the bus, now his narcissistic nature no longer needs them.
So! Wake Up America and NOTICE what is being done to you! And realize:....
Oba-Hussein is worse for us and the whole world than Carter, Clinton and Ossama bin Laden COMBINED! His policies, actions, pro-Islamic, pro-Marxist moves; his greedy, self-satisfying power grab, already in progress , will destroy not only the USA but launch World War III (though some call the Cold War - including Korea, Vietnam and the Soviet Afghanistan invasion as World War III) and the Obamanation about to happen when Korea attacks everyone militarily in conventional warfare - and Israel, without a choice, takes out Iran - as the next World War IV. Thanks - EXCLUSIVELY - to the Oba-Hussein-Khomeini administration purposely ignoring intelligence being provided urgently by Israel and even our own CIA. Since it does not suit Obambi anti-Israel plans and mindsets. Obamabambi, despite the "cute" sounding appellation has already started to set in motion the greatest plague and future greater loss of life, freedom and well being, the globe has witnessed since Adolph Hitler and World One and Two. Perhaps combined. Yes, that big when the unintended consequences and side effects play out. And YOU, well meaning American voter and Western government, seem to be blissfully ignorant of what giving virtual dictatorial control of the USA, backed by a slew of new legislation from a fillibuster proof Congress and Senate to Oba-Hussein will mean to YOU and the West. His "World Order" can easily be defined as a Marxist-Islamic "Communist Caliphate" where a combination of fanatical Islamists in partnership with Communist driven philosophies of everyone being equal (under Allah and/or ObaMessiah) - NOT at a reasonable, average life standard level but at the very LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR of subsistence possible. Achieved through the kind of government hand-out common to former and present Communist or Marxist nations. Where everyone lived on the grace and favor and hand outs of goods, services and tiny bits of money from the ruling Communist elite. Why is this obvious fact so hard to see for Americans? Too bad, for you are the ones who will suffer the most with the gut-wrenching change from the freedoms and comforts you have enjoyed for so long to those imposed on you by the one who promised "change" and IS DELIVERING it but not in the fashion YOU expected. Nor could imagine hitting you where you live. Hard to sympathise with you for your coming pain, huge distress and perhaps deaths, when you, yourself, are the source of it. Perhaps your naive, inexperience of never living under a dictatorship since King George in the 18th Century, makes you as gullible a victim as you are - or about to become. As we hurtle down the slippery, artificially lubricated Obamanation slope to disaster, screaming at the peril many of us will not survive, please remember, for an instant of regret, my screamed warnings of today and many yesterdays on YOUR deaf ears.Thursday, May 28, 2009
Also scroll down the AntMullah site to read an article exposing that a highly professional forgery to create a falsified Birth Certificate for Oba-Hussein-Khomeini using the kind of Printing Machine, Paper etc., which were used in Hawaii around the time he claims to have been born. It will also have been artificially "aged".
CLICK HERE FOR POLARIK ARTICLES (must scroll way down to read)
This speech could have been made, with different euphemisms by Hitler or the other Khomeini, the ayatollah one, not our scourge, the Oba-Hussein-Khomeini one.
I am already hearing people say they know they are going down from poverty and will not survive Obama and gain pleasure from the fact that those who voted this plague in on us will also suffer the same fate and suffer we all shall. Reverse schadenfreude?
Read this carefully and READING BETWEEN THE LINES see how closely the Obama take over and detruction of America along lines adopted and implemented by non-Iranian Khomeini from he Soviet playbook can be seen in progress here in the USA.
Khomeini openly hated Iran (not his real country, nor is America Obama’s) and often stated he would kill as many Persians as there were hairs on the head of his son, killed in an auto accident which he called an “assassination”.
Even in this fairly brief reportage, you can see the similarities between British-Indo Khomeini who invaded Iran, then destroyed it and Marxist-Islamist Oba-Hussein-Khomeini in the USA.
Hard to believe Obama is hell bent on our destruction but watch how much - quite probably IRREVERSIBLE damage he has done and points out proudly, in his first 120-days. Then, when reviewed in this light, the truth hits you. He and his nefarious gang are not making mistakes, they are doing it on purpose.
Tanking the economy ———intentional.
Seizing private industry ——intentional.
Limiting energy sources——intentional.
Their gullible, ignorance is hard to believe. The “hard to believe” points to the millions still in denial. Some are waking up but as a prominent economist in Hungary responded when asked when the hard hit would happen to Americans, he repleid "it already has and most likely cannot be stopped".
He meant through Obama we have already crashed and burned! Just still cannot see it through the sweet language Oba-Hussein uses to hide the life altering catastrophe he has launched.
Easy to spot when you’ve seen it before and it becomes a replay with different actors.
I wonder when the rest of America will wake up to what is being done to us.
Not by silliness but on purpose. To create a new world order. The USA was and may still be the biggest obstacle because we have our deeply embedded notion of freedoms and rights. And are still a huge power. We cannot be persuaded to change to fit Oba-Hussein's "change" we have to be forced into it.
AntiMullah came into being as philosophical opposition to the clerics in islamic iran by posting our opinions. Recently it has become hard to distinguish between Obama and the Mullahs and just as frustrating to see how they each ruthlessly destroy those they “administer”.
For those who might refute all this with the comment that the American Khomeini has not caused the bloodshed of his “iranian” counterpart (they are both islamic-marxists), just wait for a few months and see the blood that may well flow in Califoria streets when Welfare payments are stopped.
Numerous street riots will, apart from probable deaths when local law enforcement clashes with perhaps hungry or ill rioters, result most probably in escalating to martial law and the sending of some of the 80,000 troops being trained in Georgia in Martial Law enforcement to California.
New laws such as the "new legal regime" mentioned by Obama in the video below, shall most probably promote more than Prolonged Detention and create removal of Miranda Rights or even Probablye Cause basis for an arrest or incarceration.
The Obama thought pattern flows along the mentality the other ayatollah had. When asked what should be done with the Ministry of Justice and how trials should be conducted, he replied "anyone who is against me is against Allah and must be killed on the spot. Why do we need a trial?"
Oba-Hussein-Khomeini cannot be this loose and free under our Western laws and culture but inside him nests the Communist and Islamic indoctrinations from very early on in his life which provide him such desires of control, specially when coming though his diagnosed Narcissistic personality.
Think carefully when you realize the stopping of welfare checks covers hundreds of thousands and perhaps several million recipients who cannot survive without them. Only those who have falsified/exaggerated their true needs may stay home.
They will flood into streets not on the basis of any legal rights but on emotional reaction to a need or “want” they have come to expect as a right. Whether legals or illegals.
Remember the fairly recent California marches with all those Mexican Flags? Now add genuine hunger or loss of money with which to buy drugs or alcohol to the mix. Or more genuinely their need for medical care and medication.
Short term result - ayatollah type blood shedding.
Let’s see Obama boast publicly about that, though he may gloat privately at the extent of his anti-American success rate.
As goes California so goes the nation.
And if the going gets too tough, so goes Obama back to his motherland Kenya to live happily ever after with his Cousin Odinga in charge there and perhaps running legitimately for President of Kenya.
On a personal level, under the circumstances and without a large enough financial cushion, I have an almost zero survival prognosis/quotient in Obamaland which makes my frustration even sadder - because of those who could otherwise live a long and fruitful life without the Obamanation our naive voters have inflicted on us.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
As we struggle with the trials and tribulations of our world,
the unseen, hidden social structures nature creates
have their own challenge: - scientific investigation destroys
a civilization (yes, of ants.... but still...)
Like the little bear we try to flee the potentially fatal disaster, literally and conceptually, with which Oba-Hussein-Khomeini (the mountain lion) has saddled us economically and by sinking our morale with the threats of his policies and new legislation to restrict or remove our civil rights - as he does his best to destroy us unless we sink to the lowest of the lows where his Marxist-Islamic ideals drive us.
Then along comes our Saviour/Creator to rescue us from this godless thug.
Monday, May 25, 2009
ما که مرد نیستیم، لااقل تو زن باش WE ARE NO LONGER MEN, SO AT LEAST YOU BE WOMEN! (Resist the Mullahs)
ILLUSTRATED Farsi video chant encouraging women to arise click here
The "war" chant basically acknowledges that men in islamic iran are no longer men capable of facing up the Mullahs and encourages women to rise and take over for them and resist the Mullah tyranny.
Worth hearing even if the words are in another language.
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
AS OBA-HUSSEIN mishandles our economy, our national interests and our security - he continues to have to backtrack and back down on his plans and projects and we continue to tumble out of control into the abyss of his inexperience about almost everything with which he is faced (except deeply embedded corruption all around him and his choices for hihg office), the efforts to remove him legally for good reason - ineligibility - he should never have been there in the first place, are increasing.
It is no longer our White House, it is the Obama House and "we the people" need to have it back.
Here are some archive links for a good look at what he faces and why. For an even more complete look click on the title above.
The 'Where's the birth certificate?' campaignWould you like to see this billboard in your town?--WND
How to get eligibility ruling from SupremesLawyer outlines strategy to prompt court decision--WND
2nd congressman: Prove eligibilityVirginia representative signs onto plan to demand evidence--WND
Eligibility attorney plans return to Supreme CourtSays, 'I will be filing until I get an answer'--WND
Eligibility case defendants don't want to answer nowLawyer for Obama, Congress says representation decision unmade--WND
Is Obama campaign cash quashing eligibility suits?FEC shows more than $1 million paid to top law firm since election--WND
Join 365,000 others in seeking citizenship proofPetition demands verification of Obama's eligibility--WND
Orly Taitz announces new blogCalifornia attorney behind Obama eligibility lawsuits moves battle to fresh website--WND
Did state election papers include eligibility perjury?Campaign seeks investigation by attorneys general of documentation--WND
Kentucky elections officer wants eligibility investigatedRefers matter to state attorney general for review--WND
See where '' takes you on InternetWhat does website using president's childhood moniker mean?--WND
'Twittered' eligibility case lawyer faces threat of sanctionsTeam defending Obama, Biden warns of 'costs, expenses, fees'--WND
Orly Taitz (WND photo / Chelsea Schilling)
Meet fierce blonde behind Obama eligibility lawsuitsSoviet Union survivor: President spits in face of every U.S. citizen--WND
Doubt about Obama eligibility spreadsWriter concedes 'ambiguities' weren't 'satisfactorily resolved'--WND
What about the hospital of his 'birth'?Hawaii moves to make Obama childhood home national landmark--WND
Analyst warns eligibility could become flashpoint'It is morphing now to include members of the armed forces'--WND
Supreme Court asked to cooperate with FBIAttorney investigating Obama's eligibility reports cyber attacks--WND
The ultimate special report on eligibilityWhy millions still demand proof Obama is constitutionally fit for office--WND
Eligibility judge backs off sanctions threatInstead 'reprimands' attorney representing military officer--WND
Citizen grand jury indicts ObamaGroups in 20 more states reviewing eligibility claims--WND
Keyes to appeal case on Obama's eligibilityLawyer says dismissal 'eviscerates' Constitution's rules for president--WND
Federal criminal complaint contends Obama ineligibleEx-officer alleges prez used 'contrivance, concealment, dissembling and deceit'--WND
Eligibility lawyer says Homeland Security shadowing himReports incidents involving county, federal agents--WND
Obama open for questions from you todayFarah urges readers ask most obvious: Where's the birth certificate?--WND
Justice, Supremes confirm getting eligibility challengeTaitz documents demanding proof of Obama's birthplace to be reviewed--WND
Suggesting eligibility proof gets congressman scornedFaces comments including, 'Take the Reynolds Wrap off your head'--WND
Vice President Joe Biden
Biden jokes about Obama's birth certificate at dinnerSays Cheney left copy of document in vice presidential desk--WND
Supremes read Kansas blog?Focused on page dealing with claims of ineligibility--WND
Taitz to FBI: Investigate 'tampering' at Supremes'305 million Americans need to know if foreign national is usurping presidency'--WND
Man critical of Obama case judge visited by marshals'I told your Gestapo goons we had nothing to talk about'--WND
Judge ripped for using blog eligibility hearsayObama case lawyer says he's entitled to birth certificate discovery hearing--WND
Chief justice accepts 'eligibility' petitionRoberts agrees to read Obama docs, consider WND's 330,000 signers--WND
U.S. Rep. Bill Posey, R-Fla.
Eligibility bill hits CongressRepresentative files law requiring candidates show birth certificate--WND
Court: No need for state to check prez' eligibilityJudge throws out complaint brought on behalf of Keyes--WND
Did Supreme Court clerk torpedo eligibility cases?Taitz submits motion for rehearing in case challenging Obama's citizenship--WND
Why are there still questions about qualifications?Arguments of president's defenders never actually addressed eligibility--WND
What congressmen say about eligibilityLawmakers' letters insist 'president was born in Hawaii'--WND
Antonin Scalia
Scalia: You need 4 votes for Obama eligibility caseLawyer confronts justice about prez's qualifications--WND
Is infallible?If website calls Obama eligible, then he must be, right?--WND
Eligibility issue sparks 'edit war'Wikipedia blocks users from posting criticism of Obama--WND
Wikipedia scrubs Obama eligibilityMention of citizenship issues deleted in minutes, 'offending' users banned--WND
Judge James Robertson
Judge: Eligibility issue thoroughly 'twittered'Dismisses case brought by retired military officer--WND
Republican senator says Snopes settled 'eligibility'Arizona's Kyl cites website that assumes Hawaiian birth--WND
Senator: Eligibility is up to the votersRepublican Martinez implies constitutional requirement for presidency can be bypassed--WND
U.S. soldier gagged on prez's eligibilityMilitary member seeking documentation silenced--WND
More military officers demand eligibility proofPlaintiff: 'In the worst case … it's going to be revolution in the streets'--WND
Obama eligibility tops AOL NewsInternet reports mock 'Birthers' who want constitutional proof--WND
California used to check prez candidates' eligibilityLawsuit seeks school records to verify citizenship status--WND
Retired Maj. Gen. Carroll Childers
Major General says president's eligibility needs proof'Most important, what I really want is the truth'--WND
Eligibility lawyer argues for president's deportationBerg seeks proper treatment for 'illegal alien'--WND
2nd U.S. soldier in Iraq challenges eligibilitySays issue could decide if 'we are a Constitutional Republic'--WND
Soldier questions eligibility, doubts president's authority'As an officer, my sworn oath to support and defend our Constitution requires this'--WND
Senator questions Obama eligibilityShelby: 'They said he was born in Hawaii, but I haven't seen any birth certificate'--WND
Alan Keyes: Stop Obama or U.S. will cease to existClaims 'communist usurper' plunges country into chaos--WND

It used to be accepted practise by the space cadets on the left to insult President Bush and deny he was their President but they are blind to mind boggling faults and nation destroying activities which Oba-Hussein-Khomeini has already implemented for us. This illustration (courtesy BREITBART ) clearly defines what Oba-Hussein HAS DONE to us.
Not is doing to us but has already done.
The full weight of the catastrophe, like the rock in the picture below - has yet to roll over us.
Barack Obama is “Not My President” by Steven Crowder
I know, I know. It’s cliche and trust me, I hated the punks/celebrities who wore those slogan t-shirts throughout the Bush administration as much as the rest of you. The day Obama was elected, like many of you I told myself “Well, I didn’t vote for him, but he’s my President and I’ll support him.”
A few months later, times have changed and I feel the need to officially declare that Barack Obama is “Not My President.”
If you disagree, feel free to smack me around a little. If you feel the same way put your John Hancock down and make your voice heard.
(Alan Note: the disappointed reaction to Oba-Hussein - from both the left and the right - has begun to build at run-away train speed - which our left-wing Main Stream Media has concealed - SO FAR. The sad part will be when all of us realize, specially the "in-denial" Obamaists, that it's too late to save ourselves - from the huge rock above us)
(excerpt - Full article: Lonewolf Diaries:)
Monday, May 18, 2009
Where is all the popularity in England he wanted to achieve with his abject apology for being part of America.
(He still has to prove he is an American)
عقل را باش - خوش باش
Insider Persian "ethnic" Humor
بر اتصال کلیک کنید
A Persian of Turkish descent (equivalent to our Polish/Blonde jokes) was seen to carefully wash his vehicle starting by energetically cleaning off the license plate.
When asked why he started at the number plate, he replied:
" I once started at the top and washed the whole car, then when I got to the license plate I found out it wasn't mine!"
The word "God" has been under fire in the USA and multiple efforts have been made to remove it from nearly every venue under the most often false separation of Church and State interpretations.
Meanwhile, Allah and Moslem theology has contradictorally been permitted to penetrate school books, and a myriad venues where Chrisitianity has been banned from appearing publicly while promotion of this "religion" appears to be fine. Hypocrisy where "religion" only applies to Christian beliefs but all others can play freely.
Or is Islam, because of its global caliphate jihad to rule over all nations, truly just another political "ism" which should be again called publicly as Mohammadenism (as it used to be called for centuries) and thus flourish as a competing political party/ideology with fascism, communism, socialism and not hide behind a "protective" title of religion, where the religion preaches life or death control, or failing this, destruction of all non-Moslems, who fail to accept Allah.
(Alan note: I do not follow, promote nor espouse any particular religion to reach my common sense opinions/observations).Sunday, May 17, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009 at 08:39:36 PM at epicenter MINIMAL DAMAGE
Location 33.940°N, 118.338°W
Depth 13.5 km (8.4 miles)Region GREATER LOS ANGELES AREA, CALIFORNIA Distances 2 km (1 miles) E (91°) from Lennox, CA2 km (1 miles) SSE (159°) from Inglewood, CA3 km (2 miles) NNE (22°) from Hawthorne, CA7 km (4 miles) ENE (72°) from El Segundo, CA15 km (10 miles) SSW (213°) from Los Angeles Civic Center, CA
Location Uncertainty horizontal +/- 0.4 km (0.2 miles); depth +/- 0.9 km (0.6 miles)Parameters Nph=139, Dmin=7 km, Rmss=0.42 sec, Gp= 40°,M-type=local magnitude (ML), Version=2Source California Integrated Seismic Net:USGS Caltech CGS UCB UCSD UNR
Event ID ci10410337
Alan Note: Oba-Hussein and his team and Adminisration find any excuse they can to support his islamic mentors and financiers from Saudi Arabia , islamic iran and other oil producing countries, to block and oppose any action that would get us through this current crisis and make us self-sufficient from foreign oil imports.
The “greens” must be thrilled with the new Obama/Pelosi/Reid (OPR) troika in charge of the federal government. Three times already, the troika has blocked the development of domestic oil resources.
During his first week in office, President Obama rescinded his predecessor’s executive order permitting drilling on the continental shelf and in the Green River Formation. Both areas contain abundant oil—especially Green River (under Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah), which has recoverable shale-oil reserves three times the oil reserves of Saudi Arabia.
Several weeks later, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar unilaterally canceled 77 oil and gas leases in Utah, on the grounds that (I kid you not) someone might catch a glimpse of temporary drilling equipment from the national park that sits more than a mile away.
Next, on March 25, the House of Representatives passed the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 (S. 22) which, among many other things, adds two million more acres to the 107 million acres of protected wilderness already owned by the federal government. (In all, Uncle Sam owns 607 million acres of land.)
The main purpose of this law is to prevent the exploration and extraction of oil and gas from these lands, which are estimated to have 300 million barrels of oil and 8.8 trillion cubic feet of natural gas under them.
In addition to increasing American dependence on foreign oil by thwarting such domestic development, the OPR/green alliance desires the imposition of expensive cap-and-trade rules to discourage utilities from using coal, which currently provides nearly half of America’s electricity.
As Obama candidly explained to the San Francisco Chronicle during his presidential campaign, “If somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can [but cap-and-trade] will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”
Note: what Carter did to Iran is almost exactly what Oba-Hussein is doing to America - while also supporting the bloody regime in islamic iran - should serve as a warning to us. The articles about the Shah posted previously are not intended as a review of history but rather a warning of our future in the hands of Oba-Hussien-Khomeini.
If you have skipped reading those detailed articles, take a second look and note the parallels which you need to consider in our present and our future as it is unfolding under the Oba-Hussein administration and how those around him guide matters into disaster.
The same vast USA power directed against the Shah by Carter are now being directed at us, at "we the people" by Obama as our rights and freedoms are being removed as our Constitution gets skinned alive - without much protest by YOU! Get involved and save our nation.
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