Thursday, September 14, 2006


CLICK ON TITLE TO VIEW VIDEO COMMENT FROM A VIEWER Unfortunately, I don’t think it is a positive item for distribution for the following reasons: 1. The tone is belligerent and feeds into the worst negative stereotypes of Jews as pushy and vindictive. 2. Israel was not founded as revenge for thousands of years of persecution and repression, but as a refuge for Jews specifically fleeing new anti-Semitic movements in Europe (Herzl and the Zionists), and then because no country would take in those fleeing Hitler, including Palestine under the British Mandate. By late 1947 several hundred thousand refugee Jews were languishing in European camps that rivaled the concentration camps, and no one wanted them. It was their plight that motivated such support as the Weizmann faction got from other countries. This is not in the video. 3. Arab opposition was fomented by their elites because Israel was a progressive social democratic society that was modernizing and that hoped to uplift local Arabs (and regional ones too), which meant a prosperous working class and farmers, hence the emergence of middle-class that would throw the sheiks out. They are not mentioned in the video. 4. Oil companies were not thrilled about a quasi-socialist Israel in the midst of Arab lands and they had powerful allies in the U.S. and U.K. diplomatic corps. They are not mentioned in the video. 5. Britain opposed the U.N. boundaries awarded to the Jewish state (under the partition) because it wanted to maintain control of the Negev as an airplane base, positioned to reach the Soviet Union. U.K. interests are not mentioned in the video. Meir Kahane was a polarizing figure, and I note the video mentions his name at the end (as a dedication?). If you want to appeal to moderate potential allies, I would reconsider using this material. If you wish to circulate my message, please feel free to do so. Clare

1 comment:

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