Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Who's Blowing Up Iran?
Dr. Michael Ledeen

Explosions at facilities connected with Iran's nuclear and missile development programs suggest that either foreign agents are taking action, or the Iranian resistance is alive and well.


The Administration's Fog of Transparency
Michelle Malkin

The Administration's Fog of Transparency 

The latest meeting of the Government Accountability and Transparency Board was closed to the press, a typical example of the administration's policies of "transparency"...


Meals, Toilets, and Marx for UC Davis Protesters
Cliff Kincaid

Meals, Toilets, and Marx for UC Davis Protesters

The authorities at UC Davis appear to be capitulating to the demands of the Occupy movement, including listening to their wish to have police removed, despite cases of on-campus crime.


How Socialism Took Root in American Education
Diane Kepus

Few people may know the name of Robert Owen, but this British-born early socialist was to become one of the main influences upon reforming American educator John Dewey.

How Socialism Took Root in American Education


Arab Elections: An Islamist Wave?


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