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Mali Hunter Leader |
Other groups include the Hunters, who combine Islam with traditional animist beliefs and tout shotguns and Boer war-era flintlock rifles.
Latest Newsweek Cover: “Hit The Road, Barack: Why We Need A New President” http://weaselzippers.us/2012/08/19/latest-newsweek-cover-hit-the-road-barack/
Conservative Offers $20,000 to Anyone Who Can Produce Obama’s Sealed College Records http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogspot.com/2012/08/conservative-offers-20000-to-anyone-who.html#.UDIVQvRWlvU.twitter
Niall Ferguson on Why Barack Obama Needs to Go http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2012/08/19/niall-ferguson-on-why-barack-obama-needs-to-go.html
Congressman Allen West To Barack Obama: Show Us Your Sealed College Records http://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2012/08/congressman-allen-west-to-barack-obama-show-us-your-sealed-college-records-2462286.html
Paul Ryan: More Of The Same..'Let’s just get this on the record: since 1960, there have only been two Presidential nominees (from the two major parties) who were not controlled by the globalist elitists. One was a Democrat, John F. Kennedy; the other was a Republican, Ronald Reagan. Kennedy was shot and killed; Reagan was shot.
Every other President, Democrat or Republican, has been totally controlled, which is why none of them have done diddly-squat to make a difference in the direction of the country. On the issues that really matter, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are just more of the same!' http://chuckbaldwinlive.com/home/archives/5057#.UDGB9VKHzmI.twitter
Hank Williams Jr.: ‘‘We’ve Got a Muslim President Who Hates the Military, Hates The U.S. And We Hate Him!’’ http://patdollard.com/2012/08/hank-williams-jr-weve-got-a-muslim-president-who-hates-farming-hates-the-military-hates-the-u-s-and-we-hate-him/
Obama’s DREAM Act-lite runs into more trouble ..Nebraska Joins Arizona http://news.yahoo.com/obama-dream-act-lite-runs-more-trouble-nebraska-175716587.html
The Civil War of 2016..U.S. military officers are told to plan to fight Americans http://wtim.es/OOf94e
Paul Ryan Is No Ron Paul http://lewrockwell.com/orig13/aitken1.1.1.html
Rahm to Spend $91 Million on Bike Lanes for the One Percent http://shar.es/7HCns
Pat Boone to Newsmax: Paul Ryan’s Plan Will Help, Not Hurt Seniors http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Pat-Boone-Ryan-Medicare/2012/08/19/id/449020
Gillespie: Obama Running ‘Fear and Smear’ Campaign http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Ed-Gillespie-Romney-Obama/2012/08/19/id/449026
Another Huma link to Muslim Brotherhood http://www.wnd.com/2012/08/another-huma-link-to-muslim-brotherhood/
‘Fool Me Twice’ dominates Amazon http://www.wnd.com/2012/08/fool-me-twice-dominates-amazon/
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